Tale 13: Tatiana And The New Kid

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Being woken up by a frantic Annabeth in the middle of night was certainly not something Tatiana had been expecting when she went to bed only hours before. She groaned as the lights were thrown on and the Athena girl rambled something about a boy, she pulled a confused Katherine in and Loretta came in too.

"She dragged us both here." Katherine groaned.

"What the Hades, Annabeth," Michael groaned from her bed underneath Tatiana.

She ignored him, marching up to their bunk purposefully. Her gray eyes were wild and she was breathing heavily as if she had run here, "Tatiana we need you now, infirmary."

That was all she needed to hear, Tatiana jumped out of his bed, literally since he had the top bunk, "Matthias, you're with me. Everyone else, try to go back to sleep."

His brother instantly scrambled out of his bed to join her, "are you sure you don't want more of us to come?" Will yawned.

"You two are fine," Annabeth interjected impatiently, "let's go!"

"Loretta you can go back!" Annabeth yelled. "Kath you stay."

"Man, woke me up for no exact reason. Ares cabin gonna have your head on sticks."

Annabeth began striding towards the door, Tatiana glanced at Will apologetically, "it's fine, go back to sleep. Matthias and I can manage this on our own."

She didn't wait for his brother's response, Annabeth didn't seem keen on dallying and if there was someone that needed healing it could be urgent. She and Matthias were still in their pajamas, he couldn't help but notice that Annabeth was still dressed in her day clothes. Katherine was also in her day clothes. Given the rush he doubted that she had taken time to change, meaning they had been awake doing something likely in the big house. Annabeth had been pushing Chiron for a quest more and more recently, perhaps it had something to do with that.

"Ok, Annabeth, what the Hades is going on!" Katherine hissed as she began leading them in the direction of the big house and subsequently the infirmary at a quick pace.

"Yeah, and could you have been a little more subtle waking me up," Tatiana grumbled, "you didn't have to wake up every single one of my siblings in the process."

"A boy!" Annabeth repeated, "the one Grover was keeping an eye on-"

"The satyr?" Matthias clarified, "the keeper who found a demigod so strong Chiron had to make that house call during the school year?"

"Yes," Annabeth answered, "he just got to camp, and it doesn't look like the trip was an easy one. The boy- Percy, was dragging Grover and then he just passed out on the big house steps!"

"Good for him!" Katherine said. "But I really don't give to fucking shits!" Katherine said.

"Shit," Tatiana cursed to herself, ignoring the fact there was a twelve year old present for a moment, "why the Hades didn't they bring him back quicker if they knew who he was this whole time!"

She could understand wanting to let the kid finish the school year or something before dragging him into this absolute shitshow of a life. But they should have got him to camp the second the bell rang on his last day of classes if they were going to go that route. It was too much of a risk to wait if he was as powerful as Chiron seemed to believe. All Tatiana's brain could think of were his own twelve year old siblings, Carli and Jazmin. The thought of them stumbling to camp with a monster chasing them in the middle of the night was enough for her to jog even quicker up the hill towards the big house.

"There's something else, isn't there?" Matthias asked, seeing Annabeth's troubled face.

She grimaced, "the monster that was after him was," she paused, her voice lowering to a whisper as she spoke its name, "the Minotaur."

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