Chapter 12

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The audience has been waiting, inherently impatiently as money has bought them this time, for a little over ten minutes. They've cycled from complaining amongst themselves to complaining to the serving staff, and now border on asking to speak to a manger or worse, Shaw himself. The energy has soured and the smattering of board members in attendance, George Evans and his young bride Kristina, alongside Carl Sanders and his absent wife Gwen, are moments from rising out of their seats. To the serving staff's thanks, though, Jason Shaw appears at last. He's charmingly disheveled and clasping one of his handlers by the shoulder, a show of camaraderie with his employees that pleases the crowd. They approach the small podium just to the right of the playpen windows, and finish some whispered conversation the audience couldn't care less about. Finally, Shaw brings the podium's mic to his lips.

"Good afternoon, my patient guests," he announces to polite applause. "We have quite the show for you today, and we thank you for your kind donation to our organization. With each ticket sold, you directly fund our dairy production and the team that makes this farm possible. Truly, you are the customers that keep us in business." And Jason puts his hands together for them, in turn.

Shaw continues, "Our lineup includes some fan favorites, and a brand new face that we're sure you're going to love. Now, if you were expecting HVA290, our dear Harper, don't be disappointed. She'll be right back for next week's showing. But today, we wanted to give you a little treat, a new cow with fresh flavor. First, though, let's meet our starter group."

Jason's eyes scan the audience, catching on each disgruntled murmur of those longing for the original schedule. He notes them, diligently, but readjusts as he radios the handlers backstage. The first cow is shuffled out into the playpen with vacant eyes and slackened jaw. She and her partner are a crowd standby, and are sure to have the audience in a better mood.

"Let's give a warm welcome to Gertie, GCE168," Jason announces. Someone near the back wolf whistles and elicits a chorus of understanding chuckles. Gertie stands at five-foot-eight, in her light brown skin and halo of dark curls. Her breasts are average in size, but the real crowdpleaser is her cock, and the cow that quickly became attached to it –

Jason says, "We all know that where Gertie goes, Bluebell, our own BLJ189, follows."

The next door opens, and a petite but well-endowed cow steps into the pen, a brown bob topping her short stature. Everyone had seen Gertie and Bluebell in action; they were a bonded pair, Shaw Farms discovered. They hadn't entered the facility together, but had some sort of instinctual bond that brought them to each other within weeks of Bluebell's immersion. They were attached at the hip during every free roam, and had no interest in fucking any of the other livestock. In their every attempt to pair Gertie or Bluebell with anyone else, the two sat there, almost catatonic until the handlers gave in and brought them their missing half.

"What do you think?" Jason asks. "Is that enough? Should we stop there?" Half the audience cheers and the others shout out, demanding more.

"You know what?" Jason says. "We can accommodate everyone. Let's let our gals get warmed up, and once they're nice and ready, we'll add some heat to the show. What do you say?"

The audience whoops for this option, anticipation crackling from one end of the room to the other.

Eyes are fixed on the playpen window as Jason utilizes the intercom system. His voice travels into Gertie and Bluebell's room, announcing, "Wide awake."

Gertie snaps into consciousness, a bewildered look replacing her lax expression. As her vision whirls from one end of the playpen and its sky-painted walls, she finds Bluebell. Gertie drops to all fours and crawls to her, nudging Bluebell in the back of the leg as she comes to the same awareness.

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