Chapter 6

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The next morning, Essie May wakes to a strong ache in each of her breasts. She groans as she rights herself, though her hay bedding was more than comfortable. She reaches for them, only to hiss as her hands brush her swollen nipples. She tries to curl back against the side of her stall, touching herself as little as possible. This is when Essie realizes her cunt is just as sore, and she's left a broad wet spot in her sleep.

She scoots slightly over, grunting as she does, and smacks her face straight into the purple dildo emerging from the back wall. Essie groans, but looks at the model more closely. The tip is wide and flared, and the whole toy is thicker than anything Essie's had before. She winces imagining taking such a monster, and whines as she crawls carefully towards her gate. The soft, sleepy moans of other cows fill the barn, though some are clearly more awake than others, as they groan louder and with less patience.

As she listens for anyone nearby, a mechanical whirring begins above her head. Essie snaps to look at the ceiling. Silver chutes descend until they are only a few feet above the tops of their pens, and the other girls start buzzing with excitement. A warning bell sounds, and suddenly the entire barn is awake.

The chute opens its silver bottom, and out flows a heavy serving of damp clumps of grass, all tinged with a pink powder that puffs around the cows in a drowsy cloud. All about her, Essie hears chewing and satisfied humming as every girl helps herself to handfuls of their breakfast. Essie quickly does the same, looking gratefully at the metal machine and eager to see it come back. The chutes retract into the ceiling, and Essie is left to stuff herself in her pen. She chews happily through wads of grass, the taste earthy and fresh. She is quickly full, but knows from her weeks in training that she is meant to eat every piece regardless of when she feels she should stop.

When she's certain all of her breakfast is gone, Essie May gently stretches herself into a standing position. She can easily see over the walls of her stall, and she peers curiously into her surrounding neighbors'. On her right, Winnie sleepily continues with her breakfast. Her eyes are half-lidded and her posture is slouched, as if she didn't have a single thought to think. Essie wishes she was that peaceful. On her left is a cow Tommy called Rose. Rose has a larger chest than any of the others Essie witnessed. Her breasts hang pendulously as Rose backs herself up onto the cherry red dildo at the back of her stall. Essie quietly averts her eyes as Rose rocks back and forth, her tits swaying with her as she moans around the synthetic cock.

Across the aisle, Essie peeks into Sarah Beth's stall as Sarah Beth manages to load herself onto her mount without help, her hands only petting her breasts in light strokes, but milk already beading at her nipples.

Essie leans back to Winnie, who had almost finished her fill of grass. Essie May struggles to whisper, "H...hello?"

Winnie turns her head slowly, wearing a pleasant smile as she chews. "Mm," she hums.

"I'm Essie," she says in a hush.

"Winnie," she introduces herself. "You're... you're new."

Essie May nods.

"You're cute. You're gonna do good here," Winnie says around a yawn. "'M sorry. Still sleepy. Is br...breakfast time."

Essie May nods. "What's after breakfast?"

Winnie giggles. "Milking, of course. We... we milk for a while, then we eat some more. Then we... then we go outside and get sun. We come back in all sleepy. Eat. And sometimes we go to the playpen. Or we... we..."

Essie watches as Winnie nearly drifts asleep, mid-chew. She snorts herself awake. "Sometimes we go to the playpen, or we take a nap. And we get milked one more time. Then we go to sleep. It's real... real easy."

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