Chapter 1

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A labyrinth of pearl white halls and gray tile jut from each other. May is led down the center, into a quick left, right, left, then a mixture of angled turns by two medical orderlies. They wear pale pink scrubs with their names embroidered above the pockets, if only May could read them as they move. One, gangly and bored, flips through his clipboard with only an occasional glance up. The other, blonde and professional, moves with a purposeful pace that May struggles to keep. She's still waiting for Shaw Farms to become, well, a farm. Where were the animals she'd work with? Where was anything from the storybooks she'd read as a child?

The more serious of the pair finally halts at a door, and May staggers behind him. He waves through the glass panel. A brunette woman in a labcoat and a high ponytail leans into the hall as she grants them access.

"Good morning, Dr. McCarthy," he says.

"Morning, Webber." Her eyes crease with a smile above her medical mask. She nods at the taller assistant. "Finley."

Finley gives her a grunt and half a wave.

Webber scoffs under his breath, and turns back to the doctor with a shake of his head. "We're escorting the newbie. She's already signed the NDA and Shaw Jr. wants her screened as soon as possible."

Dr. McCarthy stifles a laugh. "I'm sure Mr. Shaw has good reason for rearranging my schedule?"

Finley launches his long arm and clipboard into Dr. McCarthy's face. As she takes it, his hand is hurriedly stuffed into the pocket of his labcoat. "Her scores."

"Gee, thanks," McCarthy says flatly. She turns her attention to the sheaf of papers, turning past each page with a deeper furrow of her brow. "These are..."

"He knows," Webber interrupts. "She's his new pet project. Maybe something to do with that meeting in a couple months, huh?"

McCarthy tilts her head from side to side. "Well, alright. I'll see what I can do. Did he order any tests beyond the usual?"

Webber shrugs. "Nope. But you might need a stronger dose, y'know."

"Yeah, mhm," McCarthy affirms, still buried in May's results. Were they that bad? "Okay, you're good to leave her with me. Thanks, boys."

Webber waves goodbye, Finley trailing after him. For the first time, Dr. McCarthy looks at May. She takes her in with a quick bob up and down, and gestures her inside with two fingers.

The exam room, May has to assume, is done up in the same pink of the assistants' scrubs. It coats the walls, the floors, everything but the white cabinets and the crisp sheet over the exam table. Dr. McCarthy points to it and orders, "Sit."

May does as she's told. The doctor turns her back and digs through her supplies, preparing something May can't make out.

"So, Esther?"

"Just May, my middle name, please," she says. May tries to put on a pleasant face, one the doctor can't be bothered by. She's practiced it enough in her old life.

The doctor's ponytail swings as she shakes her head. "Not anymore. Mr. Shaw's noted that he prefers you go by Esther, or Essie. Has anyone ever called you Essie?"

May quells a shiver. "Just some old family."

"I think we'll be able to make more positive associations here," Dr. McCarthy says. Her voice is deep, warm, and comforting against May's better instincts. The doctor wheels a tray around beside her, though her tools are hidden by a white paper towel. McCarthy turns May's face to the side.

"Can you read that vision chart for me?"

May focuses on the opposite wall. The font size is little to begin with and becomes impossible the farther down it goes. How could anyone pass that? The whole operation must be wearing glasses.

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