Daryl smirked. "Idea of us? Together?"

I awkwardly shrugged, "I mean, unless this is just casual-"

"Nah, it ain't." He confirmed. "I should probably get goin'."

"Okay." I smiled, "Stay safe out there."

"Mhm." He nodded. 

As soon as I opened the door, we heard, "Daryl?"

I looked to my left. It was Rick. Why is he so freaking fast...and quiet? "Uh..." I made eye contact with Daryl. "Thank you, Daryl for killing that giant bug in my room." I held my hand out for a handshake. It was the first thing that came to my mind. 

"You called Daryl? To come kill a bug?"

"It was...huge. And Daryl, here, Daryl was already...killing one downstairs. So, I just- I had him come kill this bug."

"Yeah, what she said." Daryl gestured, "See ya, Rick. JJ."


He'd been gone for almost a day, and shit had already hit the fan. On the run, the group lost Noah and Aiden, Deanna's eldest son. Tara had suffered a head injury, but she was gonna make it. 

I couldn't help but think of Noah. All he wanted to do was get back to his family. I thought back to the party, he complimented my playing. Told me about how he once wanted to learn guitar, but never got around to it. So, I had told him that I'd teach him.

But I would never get to now.

I sat on the edge of my bed, trying to figure out what to do with my life. I mean, everyone had jobs to do except for me. Even Carl had school. Eventually, I laid on my back, looking at the non-moving fan above me. 

"JJ." There was a faint knock at my door. I could tell by her voice that it was Maggie. "Can I come in?"


"What are you doing?" She judged. 

"Oh, you know...enjoying unemployment. What are you doing?"

Maggie laughed, laying down next to me, staring up at the ceiling.

We enjoyed each other's company in peace, until Maggie blurted, "JJ, I think I'm pregnant."

I quickly sat up. "Are you serious?" She simply nodded. I couldn't read her emotions. "And?"

"What?" She smiled. 

"Well, are you happy?" I returned a grin. 

"I am."

"How does Glenn feel about it? Some part of me feels like he threw up. Did he throw up?" I looked down to Maggie, who was still laying there. 

She sat up, "Actually, I haven't told him yet."

"Oh, I guess JJ's back on top then. Suck it, Glenn."

Maggie laughed. "I haven't told him cause I wanna be certain."

"Okay, that can be your reason, but mine is that I'm back in the favorite spot." I motioned to myself, "therefore, Glenn can still- and I mean this is the friendliest, loving way possible- suck it." I thought for a second, "actually, why did you tell me first?"

"I told you...I wanna be certain."

"Oh, come on. Cut the crap, Mags." I joked, "the last time it was even a slim chance, Glenn was the only one to know."


I knew what she was gonna ask. "How did I know? On the run to the Big Spot, he wouldn't stop staring at a poster with a Korean baby on it even after I started talking about Guy Fieri's band."

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