Looking up from the shores, the sky above is ablaze with hues of red, orange, pink, and purple. The clouds, heavy and billowing, are illuminated from within, exhibiting a stunning display of colours that are slowly fading and melting into the deepening darkness of night. The sunset is a magical interlude here.

Up until we reached the private jet, I did not tell Angel the medium of our transport. Just to see her reaction if anything. And it was worth it. Seeing the widening of her eyes, the slight parting of her lips and the small intake of oxygen her lungs needed.

Amazed would be an understatement. She was flabbergasted. But for a very different reason than I thought.

She spent the first few minutes just admiring the aircraft from outside. Then we entered and she greeted all my staff, everyone instantly taking a liking to her, vulnerable to her charming personality like I am, especially my pilot much to my dismay who gave all heart eyes to her.

I need a new pilot. I thought, linking an arm around her waist and pulled her to me while glaring at him.

She is mine therefore, off fucking limits.

When we took off, she could not for a second stay still in her seat, bouncing around the interior, unable to contain her excitement.

Unlike other girls who would have raved about the luxury and extravagance, she indeed gave her opinions on it and they quickly immersed in a deep conversation. She talked with my crew like a fucking professional.

Told them how to upgrade the avionics systems with the state-of-the-art technology, including advanced navigation equipment, weather radar systems to enhance flight planning and situational awareness. Advised them to make aerodynamic improvements. Said how they should install more powerful and fuel-efficient engines to better the performance and increase the speed, range and climb capabilities while it would also reduce fuel consumption and emission at the same time. Spoke about implementing measures to reduce weight, such as using lightweight materials in construction or removing unnecessary equipments to increase payload capacity. Said that strengthening the aircraft's structure would handle higher loads and turbulence. Discussed about the advanced fuel management systems, autopilot systems, noise reduction technology, flight control computers, diagnostic systems and integrated maintenance.

Even though they knew everything she was talking about- I made sure we had the best crew money could buy- they listened to her with patience, completely in awe of her knowledge at this age.

And me? My fucking chest filled with pride and some other unknown emotion as I watched her talking so enthusiastically like she was born to do this.

My girl. My heart screamed silently.

After she spent an hour exhausting herself, speaking non-stop and it showed in her body language that she was getting tired, but was too polite to tell others off, I intervened. I told them to get back to their work and tugged at her hand. She fell on my lap and I adjusted her small frame against me.

"Noise reduction, huh?" I whispered in her ear. Her cheeks were heated up when I pulled back to look at her face. "What have you planned in your pretty little head, Angel?"

She stared at me with big, nervous eyes. "You are so shameless, Alessandro! I was not thinking about those things."

My eyebrows shot up in amusement, "Yeah? And what are 'those things' exactly?"

"Nothing" She huffed, exasperated.

I tucked a golden hair behind her ear, caressing her lobe between my fingers. "Rest a little. I will wake you up before landing."

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