Chapter 32

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Anastasia's POV:~

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Anastasia's POV:~

Elle, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, and Vanity Fair. All scattered around on the coffee table in their colourful glory.

Why do people assume that girls only read fashion magazines?

Choosing the only one that I have heard the name of before and looks quite attractive – which so happens to be Vogue – I take a seat on the bed.

After flipping through the pages aimlessly past pieces about the latest trends in fashion and interviews with well-known models, I stop on my favourite article.

The headline reads 'The Viv Schultz You Don't Know'

It is the interview of a rising model, Genevieve Schultz. The way she is paving her way through everything and making a name for herself, even after all the mistreatments and partiality rumoured to be in the industry, is really commendable. She is gorgeous and deserves the fame more than many people. Her down to earth personality just adds to her beauty. I truly admire young independent women like her.

I feel bored after reading only a few paragraphs.

Do not take offense.

Although I really like her, I am just not into fashion that much. For me, fashion, at most, is wearing what I feel comfortable in.

I turn the page and look for something that appeals to my taste. My actions are stopped by a little image in the bottom right corner.

The Sky wheel.

The image awakens long-buried emotions. Deep inside. Ages ago.

My mind starts racing with recollections from the past after seeing it and immediately upon remembering them, my eyes begin to water. Despite my best efforts to control the tears, a treacherous drop still manages to escape its restraints.

The door suddenly opens and I close the magazine in a haste, wiping at my eyes. My smile is anything but real as it greets Alessandro.

He dark gaze sweeps over my face. I do not know what he saw but a muscle in his jaw ticks.

“Something happened?”

Though he asked a question but the way he worded it made it sound more like a statement.

Why does he have to be so observant?

Or is it just me?

“I was waiting for you.” I accuse him instead of answering directly, as an attempt to change the way the conversation is heading to.

Keeping the magazine back in its place, I make my way towards the bathroom.

His eyes follow my movements but he does not say anything.

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