Chapter 19

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Anastasia's POV~

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Anastasia's POV~

"When will you get the transfer certificate?" I ask Chloe sitting on her bed and arranging the clothes that she throws out of the closet in her suitcase.

"Within a week."

One of her panties lands straight on my face and I huff, stuffing it with the other things.

"But I hope it is done in a day or two. I want to go back as soon as possible."

"Yeah." I sigh, leaning back on my hands.

She peeks out from her clothes to look at me, keeping the closet ajar. "Do not be sad."

She comes and sits beside me on the bed.

"You know, I have to go. If there was any other option I would have stayed."

"I know right."

Chloe's granny has been in and out of the hospital since the fall. Her health is deteriorating gradually. She has been diagnosed with some lung disease Chloe is not telling me clearly about.

As her only grandchild, her grandmother loves her dearly. Even when the doctor said that she will be fine with proper medication, she wants Chloe to be with her now which Chloe agreed with.

Chloe is stronger than me mentally but I know what her grandmother means to her. So after coming back from home and hearing about her health from her parents on the phone, she did not waste a second before applying for transfer.

Her parents told her that it was all good. That they would take care of her and inform her about her time to time but Chloe did not listen. She said she would not be able to live with herself if something happened to granny in her absence, especially when granny had asked for her.

So here we are. Packing for her departure.

"Do not worry. We can always facetime and call each other. Or you can come to visit me anytime." She holds my hands, "We will always be in touch. No matter how far away I am, when you need me I will be there. Kay?"

I smile, squeezing her hands in assurance.

I know I will get so bored and lonely without her here. Even if Rodie is there, I can not discuss everything with him as I used to do with Chloe.

You know like, girls stuff.

Speaking of which, I have not told her about Alessandro yet. We did not get time to talk about such things. She is already so anxious about granny and I did not want to stress her more.

Maybe some other time.

"Definitely and I will be there for you." I say in return.

Her tummy growls in hunger and we laugh at that.

"Wait a minute. I am getting noodles for you." I say, pushing the suitcase aside and getting up from her bed.


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