Chapter 8

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Alessandro's POV~

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Alessandro's POV~

Another bullet comes at us and I get up, shielding the girl with my body, turning us around in a swift move and making the shot a near miss.

When I peer down at her, her eyes are closed, her small hands fisting the fabric of my suit jacket, her soft body trembling beneath my large frame.

Now this would have been a sight to behold; her, so defenceless and vulnerable under me, enjoying and asking for more. It would boost any male ego.

But only if the reasons were different. Only if she was trembling in pleasure and not in fear and that makes the difference.

The sound of Damien getting up from his seat breaks my thoughts. Pulling my mind out of the gutter I give my hand to her. Creating a safe distance between us, I pull her up and turn around. Damien and I look at the source of the chaos, followed by the silent Angel beside me as the new officer makes his way towards us, his team at the entrance letting the people out after checking their IDs.

He stops in front of us. "Heard a lot about you." He forwards his hand for a shake. "Good to finally put a face to the man."

"Wish we could say the same." Damien remarks, loud enough for the officer to hear.

When I make no move to reciprocate his gesture he pulls his hand back, his fingers clenching into a fist in humiliation.

He looks beside me, eyes roaming over Angel, a crooked smile on his punchable face.

"And who would this beautiful lady be?" His eyes do not leave her body, resting on her legs more than necessary. "Quite a sight you have here."

I instinctively push her behind me, my left hand holding her waist, guarding her body with mine and blocking his dirty gaze from falling on her. "Should not be your fucking business." I grit my teeth, eyes hardening.

"Just asking." He raises his hands up.

Angel wiggles in my hold, making my hand tighten around her.

I look back at her. "What?"

"Leave me. I can fight for myself." She whisper-yells. "I will punch his teeth out of his dirty mouth." She showes her tiny fist to me. "How dare he look at me like that!"

It is funny how cute she is looking right now trying to be all intimidating.

Trust me Angel, the feeling is mutual.

But I can not kill him just now. Not before making him pay.

"I know. He should not have. Leave it to me. I will do something." I assure her, my voice soft unlike before.

"Promise?" She looks at me expectantly.

How can I say no to this look?

"Promise." I agree with a groan.

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