Chapter 36

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Alessandro's POV:~

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Alessandro's POV:~

The current president has been getting on my nerves for a long time now, trying to wipe us from the States in order to strengthen his position in the country. Since he is a corrupted piece of shit, it is his only way to keep the power to himself. By dragging me down. It will be the highlight of his pathetic political career and gain him more votes in the next elections.

But he does not know who he is crossing this time. I am Alessandro fucking De Luca. I have been ruling over this country before he even began politics. My reign is longer than his whole career. I will burn him to ashes before he even has the chance to raise his head against me.

Nowadays, politicians and ministers like to think that they are the ones running a country.

How cute!

It is men like me who actually do the job. The kingpins. Hid in the shadows. Playing behind the curtains. We control the system. The government is nothing without us. We can make or break a state's future if we want.

What do people think? That the country is being run on their taxes?


A few thousand dollars can not change anything. I give tips of that much in a week.

It is our money the government uses and flaunts and in turn has to pledge a lifetime of loyalty to us.

Then after coming to power, what is the first thing they do? Interfere in our business and expose us to project themselves as national heroes.

What do they take us for? Fucking fools?

We are not some temporary gang of wannabe criminals. Our famiglia has members with more degrees than the whole fucking US Senate. If we can make them rise to power, we are perfectly capable of bringing them down too.

When Carlo called me yesterday to inform that Angel has been arrested I was in a meeting with my capos, discussing about this issue.

"Dobbiamo prendere uno degli avversari dalla nostra parte." Umberto, the capo of Philadelphia, said.

(We have to take one of the opponents on our side.)

Franco nodded, "Sono d'accordo. Ho fatto delle ricerche e sembra che Matthew Evans sia il candidato perfetto. È ambizioso, avido e assetato di potere."

(I agree. I have done some research and it seems Matthew Evans is the perfect candidate for that. He is ambitious, greedy and power-hungry.)

Rolling the paper weight between my fingers, I hummed, "Avvicinatevi a lui allora."

(Approach him then.)

"Sapevo che l'avresti detto, quindi l'ho già detto. Hai un incontro con lui questo giovedì, alle 14."

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