Chapter 47

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Anastasia's POV:~

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Anastasia's POV:~

Sitting on the bed, my eyes fixate on Alessandro as he stands before the full-length mirror in our bed room. The morning sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow on his bronzed skin.

Hold on. Ours? Since when have I been referring to his room as our own?

This man and my feelings for him are messing with my head.

Dressed in a crisp suit, Alessandro meticulously straightens the collars of his shirt, eyes focused on his reflection.

As if he will ever look anything less than perfect.

I quietly chuckle at the idea and delicately run my fingers over the satin sheets, a small smile playing on my lips.

When Alessandro grabs the tie from the table, I decide to put a halt to my staring activities and rise from my seat. With light footsteps, I move towards him, my hands reaching out to wrap around his midriff.

“Whoa!” Alessandro exclaims and turns around, the loose ends of the tie hanging over his shoulders.

I like him better in this way than with a knotted tie. He appears much more attractive.

His arms encircle my waist as he fixes me with a playful gaze. “Someone seems in a good mood today. What is it?”

I grin in return. “Nothing. Just missed you.”

Alessandro's eyes soften upon hearing me, and his thumbs press down on the hollow of my back in a soothing manner. “I am right here, mia angela.”

(my angel.)

“I know, but still...”

He is right. I have been feeling a strong sense of longing for him for several days now. Even in his presence. Despite my constant desire to have him nearby, the overwhelming need for his company has become too much to handle recently. I understand it is unfounded, but after losing Mom and Dad, I do not want to lose him as well.

“When will you return, by the way?”

“Nine. Why?”

“Ok. I...”

“Yes?” Alessandro inquires with patience.

I love you.

My heart responds immediately, as if that is the only answer it can think of.

Stupid girl, do you want to give the poor man a heart attack? Who confesses like this?

I inhale deeply and instead utter, “I will wait for you.”

“Then I will try to come as soon as possible. And we can also go on a date.” He pauses briefly before continuing, “If you would like that?”

I will tell him about my feelings during dinner, then.

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