" Thank you kookie, I will meet you at lunch time, we will eat our lunch together " yoongi say ,on which Jungkook nod his head. Jungkook come close to yoongi and last time hug him, yoongi also hug his small baby . Everyone who pass from corridor of jungkook's class look both of them and someone also whisper about their cute way to bye each other, while some are just passed them as this is not new for them to look yoongi convenience jungkook to attend his class .

Afterwards, jungkook went inside the class towards his bench, and yoongi also head towards his class.

In the night at 8 pm ..........

Yoongi and jungkook are doing their homework in min-ah and Dahyun's room. Yoongi teach jungkook about his homework, while min-ah already explain yoongi that he have to do for his homework. Now, min-ah is downstairs as Dahyun just returned home ten minutes ago, min-ah went to serve him dinner.

Yoongi is doing his work peacefully while enjoying scoop of ice-cream which Dahyun bring for both of them, but min-ah refuse to give ice- cream to jungkook as he is just recover from his fever, and she doesn't want that her baby bunny again catch fever and cold. When yoongi look towards jungkook, a chuckle escape from his mouth while looking towards angry bunny, who want to eat ice-cream but his mom refuses to eat him.

" Kookie don't be angry, just for few days you stop to eat cold things, after that your mumma allow you to eat your favourite ice-cream " yoongi try to convince his angry bunny, but yoongi's words make jungkook more angry. He just throw his pencil which he holds , and run towards window side of the room. Yoongi secretly laugh on jungkook's cute behaviour. He get up from bed and went towards jungkook's side. Jungkook is backfacing him, therefore he slides his both hand on jungkook's waist and intertwined his both hands on jungkook's small stomach, then he put his face on jungkook's shoulder. When jungkook feels yoongi backhugging him, his cheeks starts to get red as he is blushing due to being in yoongi's arms. Jungkook use his free hand and place above the yoongi's hand which is place on his stomach.

" Baby, you just recover from fever and if you eat ice-cream then you may be again catch fever. You saw , how uncle and aunt get tensed whenever your body is heated in fever. Don't stressed them " listening yoongi's words, jungkook's anger vanished immediately. He low his head in sadness.

" Don't sad baby, you don't bother them. It's just they are your parents they care for you and concern for your health. Just don't get angry on them. Hmm ?? " Yoongi say to jungkook and softly kiss on his cheeks, which leads jungkook to turn into red tomato.

" Don't worry my bunny, I have something for you instead of ice-cream " yoongi say , jungkook look sideways into yoongi's eyes with curiosity. Yoongi remove his one hand from jungkook's waist and bring it inside the pocket of his sweatpants. He brings two chocolates and bring forward to jungkook's face. Jungkook's eyes brights when he saw chocolates, he immediately grab the chocolates and backaway from yoongi's grip. He turn towards yoongi to face him , he come close to yoongi's face and place a very sweet kiss on yoongi's cheeks, then he hug yoongi tightly.

" Thank you hyungiee you are the best person in this world " jungkook excitedly say , yoongi also hug jungkook and starts to rub jungkook's back. Yoongi's cheeks get red due to jungkook's kiss.

" You can eat chocolates till your mumma not allow you to eat ice-cream " yoongi somehow manage to say with shyness of jungkook's kiss on his cheeks and back away from hug. Jungkook nod his head in response. Yoongi bring jungkook again towards bed and they again start to do their homework, while yoongi enjoy his ice-cream and jungkook enjoy chocolates.


In Gwangju........

Today Min-ah and Dahyun come to min-ah's parents home in Gwangju, in jungkook's summer vacations. Dahyun every year take out some time from his work, and visit to min-ah's parents and his relatives house. Whole day they spend while talking to their parents, playing with jungkook and visit whole area of their hometown.

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