After many arguments with min-ah's family, finally they agreed for thier marriage, which is a emotional moment for both of them as they never expected that they will ever get married to each other. Their marriage life is sweet from starting, but sometimes it stressed min-ah so much because Dahyun return home very late , which scared her like hell, she is always praying that her husband reach home safely. She took a breath of relief when she saw Dahyun return home all fine.

One thing that upset min-ah from starting is , she love kids and Dahyun is very scared to have a baby. His many enemies have bad intentions towards his wife as they know his wife is his weekness, he don't want to risk their child also, min-ah understand Dahyun's every insecurity and ready to wait as long as Dahyun want. But, when it's already three years of their marriage and Dahyun is not ready to have a baby, then min-ah thought convince Dahyun that having a baby brings happiness in their life and she also promise him that he never regret on his this decision. She not want to pressurised Dahyun, but she believes that living a fearful life is not a solution, someday we have to face worse in our life, so it's better that we learn to live the best moment of life without any fear of future happenings.

Finally, Dahyun agree with her wish to have a baby. Nine months pregnancy journey not easy for both of them, Dahyun is as always busy in his schedule, but he is always present for his wife in morning and night, she have to spend her afternoon and evening without him . They listen their baby's heartbeat first together, they observe baby's movements, Dahyun also face mood swings and crazy cravings of min-ah at wierd hours of night. But he never get bored to bring things to complete his wife's cravings as she always say that ' I don't want anything, baby want ' and Dahyun just die on her cute behaviour. Their all struggles worth it as now they have that little part of thier heart in their hand, a baby who inherent thier both features, their family and their only wish, which now become true.

" Thank you too yunie to always there for me to encourage me, to fight for me, I am nothing without you. I love you so much " she say and softly kiss on forehead of Dahyun. They stay for each other's arms for more time as they feel very relaxed after saw their complete happy family together.

A knock on door bring them from their sweet moment, Dahyun slowly get up from min-ah's arms, and say ' come in ' to the person who wait outside. A nurse come inside the room, with their small baby in her hands. When nurse reach to patient bed, she ask Dahyun to make min-ah sit on bed, so that she can take baby in her hand. Dahyun carefully make min-ah sit properly on bed . Nurse handover baby to min-ah and went outside of the room. Both are now looking at baby's inocent face with all the love they hold for baby.

" He has bunny face just like you " min-ah cutely say while giggling which make Dahyun whine on her cute wife's behaviour. She never leave a chance to make fun of him.

" Baby, don't say like this, isn't you like my bunny features ?? " Dahyun ask with fake frown look. Min-ah laugh on her husband's behaviour, who whine like a baby.

" I love you my big bunny, and this small bunny also who inherent your most admiring features " min-ah say while softly caress dahyun's cheeks to make him happy.

" I think our baby is really tired, look he is still sleeping. My sleepyhead " min-ah say while laughing as baby born more than an hour ago, but still he is not ready to wake up.

" Let him sleep, I am waiting when he wake up and want to see how he react on seeing us " Dahyun say while softly caress baby's cheeks.

" I am also. Wake up my bunny " min-ah say and softly place a kiss on baby's forehead.

Dahyun and min-ah talk to sleepy baby, then the door of room open widely, revealing many relatives of Dahyun and min-ah. A beautiful smile appears on both the couples face by saw their family. Each member come to meet baby and bless the couple to have such a preety son. Though min-ah parent's are against of their relation before, but looking at a happy family of their daughter, they feel very contended. Min-ah's parents softly place kiss on both couples and baby's forehead. Dahyun don't have any parents as they were died when he was in high school , but he have an elder brother Jeon Jihun, and elder sister Jeon Aera. They also come to give blessings to their little brother and their sweet sister-in-law and meet their nephew. All are memorized by baby's beauty which he inherit from his mother . After meeting with newly parents and baby, all leave them alone as hospital rule do not allow many people to meet with patients for long time.

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