Chapter 9

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"I gave them what they wanted, and they were fine with the outcome." I'm furious with the publishing team, over the front cover, which Silas, and I worked on for a couple of weeks. They published the wrong cover for this edition and now it's set us back by another two weeks. "Sloan, I will have a word with them and find out what the fuck happened." Silas was angry too. "Let me know soon, so I know if I need to redesign." He chuckles. "You stress too much." I laughed and we end the call. 

I gazed out the office window that was not far away from the romantic side of Paris. I tried to contact Hunter, but he wasn't answer my calls. I knew this was what we suggested, to have that space, I wasn't expecting for him to ghost me like this. I miss him. I drew in a breath when there's a knock on my door. "Yes," The door opens and my father stands there with a huge grin. "I thought I would come visit you while I'm here with the team. I don't see you much Sloan." My father is quiet compared to my mother, and lets my mother wear the trousers. "Dad, how are you?" I fell into his huge masculine arms, and rested my head on his broad chest. "You got time to grab lunch with me?" "Of course I have." I glanced at my father, wondering why he suggested lunch. 

I grabbed my mobile and left with my father to grab lunch at a small bistro.


Seated at the table, we order, then my father sits back, folds his arms. "Sloan, I know we don't speak much, or meddle into your affairs." I nod, waiting for the reason to why he's here and asked me to lunch. "With being in the lime light and a celebrity, there's a rumour circulating." I creased my eyes. "What rumour?" "You mother is having an affair." My eyes opened wide. "Dad. Are you sure?" He nods. "Someone younger, more athletic. Your mother is happier, and so am I. We have separated." I'm astonished, because reputation is all my mother would think about. "So, what does that mean for Hudson and me?" My father smiles. "I wasn't stupid when I asked your mother to marry me. She didn't have a good rep, and slept around. Sloan, I know this is a shock to you but you and your brother need to know the truth." The truth.

My entire world just collapsed from hearing what my father said. "The first time your mother fell pregnant, I wanted to know if the baby was mine. Understandably, your mother was upset when I asked for a paternity test. Thankfully Hudson was mine, and then I did the same with you and yes, I'm your father." Thank god for that. "So why did you stick with mum?" "The same way you stuck with Carter." I understood where dad was coming from. "I was young and inexperienced when Carter and I got together. I made so many rash choices and fall flat on my face." "Awe sweetheart, you could never disappoint me or your mother. We both love you, and we'll still be here for you. You need to know that your mother and I will protect you no matter what. Your mother and I have grown apart." My poor father is heartbroken. 

We sit for a while longer eating lunch. "I noticed you are eating more than normal." My father smiles. "I have to, or the doctors feed me by tube, with so much crap." "Sloan, you are a beautiful woman, don't let the words that Carter said take hold of you. And I take it you never discussed this with Hudson?" "No, because Hudson would kill him for what he done." "I'm glad you had the courage to come to me, I love you Sloan. And some day you will have a guy who will respect you, and have a family you deserve. It's just a shame Carter couldn't see how a baby could bring excitement." That was hard when I told Carter I was pregnant then he turned fast and I fell down the stairs, having a miscarriage, the same day I told him. He didn't want a baby or any children to mess up what he was building. So I called my father for advice.

Sure, my father grabbed Carter and knocked him around a bit for causing me to lose the baby. After that it was all down hill, for our marriage. That's the secret I'm not telling Hudson, for the fact he would kill Carter. But Carter threatened my father, and my father told him he would fight him in court. Carter changed his mind, knowing he didn't have that sort of money to lose. But my father warned him, that if he laid a finger on me, he wouldn't see his next birthday. I'd never seen my father so angry like that before. I've always known my father has a kind, gentle, and laid back. Unless you got on his wrong side. But not once did he lose his temper with Hudson or me. And that's what I respect about my father. How loving he is towards us. 

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