Chapter 4

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I had to stop Sloan from doing something stupid, but how the hell do you stop a woman like Sloan? Think Hunter, before she does something she'll regret. "Sloan, stop. He's not worth it." I holler but she continues out the door over the drive, the small garden and bangs on the door. "Hunter, get you mobile and record this please." Sloan, didn't have to ask me twice, so I done what she wanted. My mobile in hand she bangs on the door. Carter answers with just his shorts on. "Sloan, why the fuck are you here?" "Oh, you know why, Carter." Shit, she's on fire, and It's given me goosebumps.

He glares at her with the door half open. "Oh, is this to do with the divorce? You wanted a divorce." Carter spits, but Sloan smiles. "You were the one to sleep with a co-worker. You had the affair, not me." Sloan was straight to the point and Carter smirks. "Yes, I did because you are a lousy wife. A lousy lover, too. So yes, I had the affair." Sloan smiled and turns to me. "Hunter, did you get that." "Sure did Sloan." Carter lunged at her and I threw a punch, knocking on his ass. "Oh, Carter, I will see you in court. Hope you got enough money to waste. Because my new job pays very well." I frowned at Sloan when she smirks at me. "Sloan, I will double that fee, if it means I get to see Carter squirm." I said. "You got a deal, Hunter." Sloan turns from the door and we head back to my house.


I poured Sloan a large brandy, and we hooked my mobile up to the large TV in the lounge to watch Carter dig his hole. "So, what now Sloan?" She twists her body to face me. "You sound like Hudson." "Come on... Your brother is my best mate. And probably the only friend who never used me for money." I said as my eyes lowered to my glass. "Hunter, he's got money and his business is doing very well." Sloan rises to place her glass on the bar in the corner of the room. "Why didn't you work for him?" "It's complicated." "Sloan." I paused as I stepped closer to her and pour us another drink. "Hudson, is looking out for you. It's his brotherly duty to take care of his little sister." Fuck knows where all this sloppy shit comes from. My family were not close like that. Guess that's why I bonded with Hudson so well. He took care of me. And now I'm repaying one of many favours by taking care of his baby sister.

Poured brandy into the two glasses and glanced at Sloan. "Sloan, he's worried you're not telling him what is really going on." She shakes her head, sips the drink then places the glass on the table. "That's it, he cares too much. And always bailing me out and I let him down. I can't confide in Hudson, like I used to. He's given me too many chances to not fuck up, and I end up screwing up a good thing." "Hey, he will listen to you." I was trying to get her to talk to me, so I can relay back to Hudson.

"My marriage was a sham. Every job I get doesn't last more than two months, my parents think I'm throwing my life away. Perhaps I am. I'm a mess. A complete fucking mess." I observed Sloan's tears flow, and that got to me, knowing how strong this woman is. "Speak to Hudson." "I can't. If I tell him or anyone..." She trailed off. "Sloan, what are you not telling us. I mean you can't tell him about us. But what the fuck are you hiding?" "Nothing, really." Her eyes drop to the floor. There's something amiss with Sloan's reaction and I will find out.


Sloan left a while ago and I'm on the phone to Hudson. "So, Carter threatened my sister again. I told you Hunter." "He dropped himself in it. I recorded the whole thing. So Sloan has evidence." Hudson lets out a breath. "She's angry for letting you down, too." I inform Hudson. "My sister could never let me down. I'm not even disappointed, I just want to help her. I need Sloan to tell me what the fuck is truly wrong. Why she avoids family dinners and she doesn't pick up her phone when our parents call her. I know mum and my sister clash on pretty much everything." "Hudson, mate, don't beat yourself up. Sloan will open up to you, just give her time." "She's supposed to be meeting me for drinks this weekend, are you up for that too." I laughed. "Yep, why not have dinner first." Hudson sighs. "Sloan, wouldn't come. Drinks she'll do but dinner is a no go." That got me thinking. "Okay, I'll catch you at the weekend for drinks." We hang up.

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