Chapter 6

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I was shocked to learn from Hudson, Sloan was in the hospital after breaking her femur, which got us talking about what occurred the last day I saw her at the magazine office. After the conversation, I contacted Chad Conway, to find out what really happened and why he fired Sloan. Now my eyes opened even wider when the truth came from his mouth. So, I have set up a meeting with him and myself, having Sloan present, plus the publishing team and the girl who stole Sloan's ideas.

Chad gave me a good insight to how Sloan, just let the girl walk all over her, when a week prior to this happening Sloan ripped into a group of women bickering about her ideas. Give it to Sloan, she had a temper when it came to people annoying her, but lately she'd changed. And that fiery spark wasn't there. It changed the day Carter, her ex-husband, kicked Sloan out of the house.

I could be speculating? the obvious that Sloan left behind her comfort, security that she felt. Even Hudson said his sister wasn't chatting to him and seemed distant. Yet, I need to have that distance between us. I'm her boss, but also a friend. But in actual fact, Sloan and I never seen eye-to-eye, and now it seems a little too cosy.

Conflicting issues, or I'm conflicted?

Either way, I broke the friend code. A code that meant Sloan was off-limits, plus my reputation wasn't squeaky clean, when it came to dating or just having a girl to spend time with. My spare time was filled with one-nighters, no going back for a second helping, or staying the night. So I broke my own set of rules, when it came to Sloan.

Perhaps fucking Sloan the second time was testing that urge, that build-up we felt the first time. That spark which caused my inner to smoulder, the intensity of my thick cock deeply embedded in Sloan's saturated pussy.

What man could resist, when you gaze down at her beautiful face, watching the pleasure in her eyes. Damn, I was a goner, when I stared into her sultry blue eyes, swimming so deep I was drowning before I could reach the surface for air.
Yet now, I can't think straight, or look at Hudson, for pure fear he'll guess I fucked his sister. If anything Hudson would fuck me up.


Damn that woman for causing me this much grief, causing my mind to swirl with images of us. Pushed my fingers through my short hair before catching my breath. The bloody workout was more than my body could take. Every goddamn muscle ached from sheer pain. How did I let my body get so sore? Sure, I've been exercising, going to the gym with the team. Maybe I ache for Sloan?


I can't even do anything without Sloan being in my thoughts. Now it's having an effect on my profession.

All I could do is stand in the shower for the longest time as the rest of the team watch my demise. I need to get a grip on this situation that's anchoring at my heart and get back to my old self. Sure will be challenging. "Hunter, you done." Coach calls from the changing room. "Almost." I holler and finish washing.

No sooner I finished dressing ready to leave my mobile rings. "Hudson, what's up mate?" I was heading to the hotel with the team as I continued with the call. "Not much but Carter." Just hearing that guys name made me angry, my blood boiled. "Carter, visited Sloan and pleaded with her to not give the evidence to her lawyer." "I thought she already gave it to her lawyer." Now I'm confused. "Sloan, did... Asking her lawyer to hold off in submitting it for evidence. Hunter, what the fuck is wrong with my sister?" Hudson was asking, me... the wrong person. The guy who fucked his sister, twice, may I add. "Mate, you know Sloan and I never agree on anything. And she's never spoken to me about her personal life." But I am curious and want to know why Sloan told her lawyer to hold off.

I sucked in a breath and Hudson continued. "Well, you'll be happy to know Sloan will be your neighbour again. For some reason, Carter said she could have the house." I smirked but at the same time I knew how smart Sloan was and I guessed she was holding back the evidence so she could have the house? But it's just speculation. Or did Carter blackmail Sloan with the house? The house is the same size as mine still worth a few million. "That's good to know Hudson, it means she can rant at me again." He laughed. "Please, do not annoy her." He pleads, I chuckled at the very thought to get this dilemma I'm in under control.

Operation annoying Sloan. This will work, this has to work.

Fuck. Even I'm doubting my own plan.

The call ended.


The game was successful 3 to 0. Now the season ended, and it's the World Cup next. I'm in my prime for being at the top of my professional career. But for some reason or another, I'm finding it tediously tiring. Perhaps a change is needed, try golf. Nope, that's a boring game. Become a sports commentator? Too challenging for my mouth. I would have to watch my language and how I conduct myself. I wouldn't be able to flirt.

I do have the magazine, and my other business ventures that could use my attention. Nope, I couldn't sit at a desk all day. I'm an out door person. Shrugged my shoulders and twisted my body to get comfy in bed. Reached to my mobile and got up Sloan's number. Staring at it no idea why. But the pad of my thumb slides slowly over the green slider and I put it on loud speaker. I just wanted to hear Sloan's voice and to stroke myself while she talks.

I know it sounds yuck, but she's doomed me, from even touching another woman. Plus, I need to get my pleasure. My balls are tight, filled with high levels of protein, if you understand what I mean. "Hunter." And there is that sweet velvety voice. "Just spoken to Hudson." She sighs. "He told you I'm going back to the house?" "Yep." I fisted my throbbing cock, running my hand up and down my shaft. Do you think I will go to hell doing this?

To be honest, I don't care, just as long as I get to hear Sloan, I can die a happy man. "I spoke to Silas." I halted my stroke. "You what?" No, Sloan, don't do this to me. I need my damn fix. This is not working. "Sloan," She's gone quiet. "Hunter, I can't work for you." The blood from my cock is draining away. "And why not?" I should be over joyed she can't work for me, and this would solve my conflicting dilemma. "It's just that..." She trailed off uttering something I didn't understand or hear her right. "I didn't get that last bit, Sloan." "I just can't keep doing what we done." Now the truth comes out. "You are right. Hudson would fuck me up if he found out I fucked his little sister. It was a mistake. Impulsive." "Damn you, Hunter." Fuck. "What do you want me to say, Sloan? I fucking need you, it was the best sex I've ever had." She laughed. "It's fine Hunter, guess Carter was right all along." "Damn you Sloan for bringing his name into this. And you fucking know he's wrong. Goddamn it, woman. You drive me fucking crazy." She chuckles. "I'm worried if Hudson finds out, I lose my best mate." Rubbed my face as my eyes stare at the ceiling. "Carter heard us." Now that's a new dilemma. And the fucking well is filling fast, with all this goddamn mess. "Is he blackmailing you?" I trust my gut on this, and threw the question at Sloan.

Sloan was quiet for a few breaths, then her whispered voice broke. "Yes, he's blacked mailed me, over the recording and he heard us that night. He gave me the house in good faith I wouldn't leak the recording to the public. And he wouldn't tell Hudson about our intimate moment." "Fucking mother fucker." I rose from the bed and paced my room. "I should have knocked him out. Put him in the hospital when I had the chance." "And you'd be no better than him Hunter. At least I got my house back." She sounded happy to have her house back. "And Sylvester can go back to your garden. The damn thing is making holes. The gardener was ranting about it." I laughed. "Are you taking the job offer with Silas?" "With every thing going on and I need to heal. I'm seriously thinking about it." Rested my forehead on the window and stared out over the city. "Sloan, just take care. And don't make any rash decision." "Hunter." That was that, she hung up, and I stared at my mobile.

Something deep in my heart was aching, causing my chest to tighten, even my entire body was on edge. Did I catch feelings for Sloan? Do I care more than I dare to admit? Damn you Sloan, you got me mixed up, with an ache I can't control. 


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