Chapter 7

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It was good to back at the house after spending a stable six weeks in the hospital, having after care plus physio. But the guy was sexy, and yet again I was in the presence of a sexy guy who was too hot to be a doctor, and I was drooling over him. Finally, when I left he smiled, and wished me luck. No getting his number, no getting asked out on a date.

So, I headed home with Hudson driving. "You feel all right Sloan?" How many times does my brother have to ask me if I'm okay? It's driving me insane. "Hudson, I'm fine. Please, stop asking every god-forsaken second." He smirked, knowing I wasn't in the mood for his big brother shit. "I care, okay. Give me a fucking break." I turned to face my brother as he pulled onto my drive. "Okay." I whispered. My, I have never witnessed Hudson so angered like that before. It was a little scary. Then my eyes dart towards Hunter's place. Perhaps Hudson knows?


Now I have to play it cool, and not give anything away or act guilty. I chewed on my cheek as Hudson got out to come my side, giving me the crutches to aid me in my steps. Damn, this leg for hurting, but I hid the pain. I had to hide the pain so I could come home.

"Hey, neighbour." And there is my distraction, the guy who sends my body into overdrive when I hear his sexy rasped voice or he's too close and his warm breath induces butterflies. When will Hunter realise what he is doing to me? Realise how much I crave him, how I want him to ravish my whole body until I feverishly cum.

I smiled and continued to the door of my house. "Sylvester will be happy to have you home." I waved as I entered the house, and mumbled under my breath. "God, I need to get laid." "Sloan!" My brother scolds me. "What? It's not like I'm a fucking virgin, and sweet sixteen. I was married and fucking the guy. That is what you do when you marry." My brother's eyes are wide and his cheeks are red with embarrassment. "Sloan, I do not wish to hear about what you and Carter got up to. It was bad enough watching him parade you around like a trophy wife. So please never talk to me about any of that. I fucking hated the guy from the day you introduced us." He strolls off to place my bag in the downstairs bedroom. It's more like a housekeepers room. But Hudson said no more about Carter.

Rolled my eyes as I stepped towards the kitchen to find out what groceries I needed. And the fridge was stacked. "Hunter, did the shopping so you would have food." Closed my eyes. Why?

Yep, I'm ranting in my head, at that sexy guy, with a body to be admired, cheese grater abs, a master at knowing my body, and where every G-spot is... who just happens to live next door to me. And yet again, he will annoy me like he always does, just to get a kick out of making my life deplorable. Please, let me heal so I can kick his ass. Now that's amusing.


I relaxed in the garden under the parasol in the warm summer breeze, listening to music in my ear pods, trying to drown out the screaming girls in Hunter's pool. In the end, I gave up and reached for my crutches but they fell to the floor. I was reaching to grab them when the chair topples over and I landed in excruciating pain. Tears fell as I attempted to crawl towards the back doors of the house where I can pull myself up. But my body was in so much pain, I couldn't move, my mobile was on the table, so I couldn't grab it to call for help.

Yet, I can hear the girls laughing, making fun of me, not one of them came to help or even asked if I was all right. Buried my face in my hands and sobbed silently until I felt two huge arms wrap around me and lift. I glanced at Hunter. "I got you Sloan." His soft, concerned voice was what I needed to keep me calm. I rested my head on his bare chest. "Didn't mean to spoil your fun." I whispered, trying to hide the pain I'm in. He kisses the top of my head. "I wasn't having fun, I was locked in my office going over a few issues with the magazine. I overheard the girls making fun, and got angry, told them all to leave." Just being this close to Hunter, stirred up my emotions. I was falling for this guy in a big way. And he didn't feel the same.

Could a guy like Hunter Grady be into me? I guess not, because I'm too far out of his league, not his type. A guy like Hunter, needs the attention, and I'm so different from the girls he's taken on dates. All I am is his neighbour and once he was my boss. He made that very clear.

Hunter gently placed me on the bed, then takes a look at the incision on the side of my thigh. "I'll get you checked by the Doc to make sure." He sounded concerned. He steps back using my house phone to call the hospital where I had the surgery. I watched how he handled the call and scooped me up again. "They need to X-ray your thigh." I didn't say a word, because he would know how much pain I was in. But I was grateful for his help.


After we left the hospital, which was lucky I didn't do any damage, Hunter took us to get a pizza, then back to mine to eat it. I've never seen this side of Hunter, and it was a caring side. It was nice to have the company, but I didn't want to be this close to him. With Hunter here caused mixed feelings, my body to tremble, and I wanted him.

We finished the pizza, and Hunter put the empty box in the kitchen on the side. "Do you need anything before I head across the garden." I couldn't bring myself to glance at him, he would notice the hunger in my eyes. The fear of being left alone. "I'll be fine, thanks Hunter. And I'm sorry for spoiling your fun." Yep, I was guilty for taking Hunter away from his party. He kissed my cheek and heads out the back doors towards the boundary line, and was gone.

I let out a long sighed breath. "I hate being alone." I murmured, reaching for the crutches. It was a chore itself to move without falling, or causing myself another visit to the hospital.

It took a while to lock up and turn the lights off then off to bed. But what I do miss is a long soak in the bath. Strolled into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and slide out of my shorts grab a quick shower then to bed.

Everything took me longer than normal, and all I wanted to do is sleep.

When I finally got into bed, turn the light out, only to notice the light from Hunter's was shining into my window, casting a shadow through the drapes and on the wall. It seemed someone was standing on the balcony, leaning. I got comfy and tried to fall asleep.

It just wasn't working, then my mobile vibrated on the bedside table. I smiled. "Sorry, Sloan. Making sure you are okay?" "I am, but I can't sleep." I said to Hunter. "I could come over, and bore you... Or..." Something inside me, burned with desire. "Is that wise, after..." He cuts me up. "I promise to be a good boy." I laughed. "Sure you will." His cheeky laugh echoed through the mobile. "Sloan." "Okay, you know where the spare key is." We hang up and I gazed at my mobile.


Hunter relaxed beside me, on the bed with his magazine that's got him worried. Yeah, probably the wrong move. Shit. "Why didn't you say anything Sloan?" "What was the point. The entire team was against me, from the day you introduced me, into their lair." He snickers. "Will you please come back and work for me. At least until we get a team together. One you can work with." He was now pleading for my help. "Hunter." "Please think about it." I sighed with a nod.

He places the magazine on the side, then gets comfy on top of the quilt, plumping the pillows. His head sinks deeply into the soft pillow as his body faces me, and he puts his arm over, kissing my head. "Night babe." Hunter can be so sweet when he wants too, but he's seems to be a little too cosy. I wasn't going to say anything, but two whispered words escape my lips. "Love you." If Hunter heard me, he didn't say anything or move to acknowledge what I said. I relaxed, closing my eyes, with a flutter in my heart. I love this guy. 


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