“… I killed…” “It was an accident…. My Rain is innocent..” Phayu interrupts Rain again who whimpers as more tears fall from his eyes. Phayu whipped the tears and kissed the younger, Rain looked at Phayu in daze.

“You’re not to be blamed for anything that happened….” Phayu whispered as he pulled Rain into lap and hugged Omega tightly.

                        Meanwhile, Saifah awkwardly stood in the middle of the room. Gin told him to grab whatever he wanted to wear from Gin’s wardrobe. Saifah was amazed when saw how organised the alpha was and commented, “Must be a housekeeper..”

Saifah grabbed a loose shirt and pants and chased quickly. He walked around the apartment while looking around in amazement. That's when he saw Gin in the kitchen cooking.

“You can cook?!” Saifah stares at Alpha in amusement while Gin turns around, he stares at Omega intensely dressed in his night clothes.

“Um? Something is wrong?” Saifah asked in confusion as he looked at himself and then Gin. Gin chuckled and shook his head, “No, Just Nong looks so cute.. dressed in my clothes..”

Saifah turned red and quickly took the seat while pretending not to hear Gin who returned back to cooking. Few minutes later, Gin heard Saifah sighing and turned around in amusement. The alpha felt his heart skip the beat when saw Saifah sniffing his shirt.

“This smells so good! What did you use?” Saifah asked as he looked at Gin, Gin noticed how Saifah’s face had turned red due to Alpha’s pheromones and walked over to omega.

“That’s my pheromones..” Gin said as he looked at Saifah intensely.

“Really?” Saifah quickly sniffed alpha’s neck much to Gin’s surprise

“So good..” Saifah whimpers and Gin has to hold Saifah tightly to stop him, Saifah looks at Gin in confusion. Saifah realised his action when saw Gin’s red eyes and took step back

“Ah.. sorry…” Saifah said feeling flushed too. Gin took a deep breath to control himself and then replied, “I hope nong doesn’t go around sniffing people like that..”

“..of of course I don’t!” Saifah shouted feeling embarrassed while Gin stared at Saifah with raw hunger. Gin took a step away and decided to serve the food. Saifah’s eyes pop out in amazement when he tasted food

“Oh my god! You could be a chef..” Saifah cried in delight while Gin can’t stop smiling

“You like it?” Gin asked, which made Saifah nod eagerly. Gin looked at Saifah with a serious face and said, “I will inherit my dad’s company and other than that I have my own bike part manufacturing company. I'm a single child, can cook, clean and have no past relationships …”

Saifah looks at Alpha in confusion that made Gin to continue, “My family has not much requirement except traditional wedding..”

“Huh?” Saifah looks at Gin dumbly

“Don’t worry, I will ask permission directly from your family…” Gin spoke with serious voice


“Nong, I’m asking you to marry me…”

“What the hell?! We hardly know each other?! I met like 4 or 5 times?” Saifah shouted in panic while Gin looks at Saifah thoughtfully and then nodded

“Okay, I will ask this question again after a month then. Let me court you…” Gin said as he started eating. Meanwhile, Saifah looks at the alpha dumbly, “Courting?”

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