With them both equally exhausted and desperately needing the other to lose, the two leap towards eachother. Their hands plant on eachother's shoulder, trying to push eachother down, but with both equally fired up and both eager to win, that caused extra difficulty in both of their attempt as it failed miserably.

They back away for second before launching at eachother again. Jungkook's legs steps in between Y/N's in attempt of making her lose her balance. But Y/N ends up dragging him down with her by sabotaging his own technique.

Falling down on the softly matted floor. The two roll away to different corners, begging for air. Unfortunately neither of them won. That calls for a draw.

Or atleast..

It would've been.

Jungkook never lost a fight. He definitely wasn't going to lose one against his sister. He launches back at her, pulling her into a headlock. Y/N struggles in fleeing out of his grip. He had her exactly where he wanted her. Her hands latch onto his buff arm, pulling and tugging at it. She kicked her legs desperately in need of standing up. But they failed her regardless, resulting in her tapping out. Her hands tap his arm in defeat and her enemy of a brother lets her go.

Her back falls back down, chest heaving up and down, inhaling as much air as possible. Her eyes close shut as her heart beat fights to regulate.

She could hear her brother's chuckles disappear somewhere in the gym.

"What a jerk." She thought.

She recognised his footsteps making their way back to her. His hand wraps around her arm pulling her up on her feet. Her eyes open to shoot him a glare. "I was fine on the floor." She retorts. He pushes a water bottle towards her before throwing a towel at her. "I'm going to the base," He states. Y/N cocks up an eyebrow, gulping down the water in her hand. "You're gonna need to meet Mr.Han if you're going to help out. He needs to approve of you."

"Alright, I'll come with." She walks after him towards the exit. Y/N stares at his back, contemplating telling him about their parents's doing. she nibbles on her bottom lip with hesitation. Deep in her thoughts and spaced out.
"You're not coming?" He asks. His arm stretched out, holding the door for her.
Y/N scrunches up not being able to make up her mind. Worse her brother was interrupting her train of thoughts. Delaying the contemplations for later, she walks towards the door.

"Good job at trying to be a gentleman. Keep it up bro, you'll get there," Y/N pats his arm, exiting the building. He follows after her. Turning around her hands lift with a shrug. "Maybe you'll find a girl you can keep for a while." She teases walking backwards. "You're ass shouldn't be talking. You couldn't even make it out of the friend zone." He retorts. "What are you on about?" She folds her arms before her chest, squinting her eyes at him.

A devilish smirk forms on his lips. "I saw the way you and Erik look at eachother. Must be heartbreaking to come back and not find him." His words force the frown on her face to melt. She was actually taking in his words. Did she actually have feelings for Erik? Is that the reason for that weird feeling she had felt, knowing he was no longer going to be by her her side most of the time? She shook her head, turning her body around to walk forward. There was no way she had feelings for him, they were just great friends that grew close and that's about it, plus he was around her age, he kind of grew up with her, she didn't really know his background at all but regardless, they've shared so many memories for them not to be bothered by the others's absence.

Her brother's arm wrap around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.
"It's alright. You'll be let out one day." Upon hearing his words she shoves him away, earning a loud laugh from Jungkook. She rolls her eyes at his childishness, and jumps into the passenger seat of his car.

"How long is he going to take?" Y/N whines, throwing her head back impatiently on the spin chair of Jungkook's office. Her brother, who sat behind the desk, ignores her, staying focused on his work. His hands move diligently across the files, flipping through each page after attaining knowledge of its content.

Lifting her head back up. She watches him work for a it before exiting his office.

She walked the hallway in search of the cafeteria. She was need of a little snack. She has been in this building for hours, waiting for Mr.Han, who still hasn't showed up to the base.

A sign hanged from the roof, giving directions to certain places in the building. Her head tilts up, eyes scanning for the direction sign to the cafeteria.

"Training center...board room...infirmary...
TR? What the flip is TR?"

"Aha! There you are." A proud smile plasters her lips, spotting the direction to the cafeteria.

Implementing to the route to the cafeteria, Y/N pushes the big door that leads to the cafeteria. Her eyes lift to scan the room with anticipation, she couldn't wait see what edible nourishments this place could offer. But her eyes widen, recognising a familiar figure that sat in the cafeteria. Wait no, I said figure? I mean figures.

Y/N couldn't believe her eyes. They can't be messing with her like that.

As if they felt the energy that radiated from her presence, heads turn towards the door. The expressions on each of their faces change, confused, surprised, shocked and happy.

"When the-"

JUNGKOOK'S LITTLE SISOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora