A Change Of Heart

193 4 5

Ship: Alec x Levi

Type: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Fluff

Requested by: Greenflame_13

Plot: Alec, plagued by regret and a newfound understanding of his feelings, finally acknowledges the depth of his emotions for Levi. Alec musters the courage to confront Levi and confess his true feelings and this happens...


3rd POV:

Alec sat on his bed, his room illuminated only by the small streams of sunlight peeking through his closed blinds and the soft glow of his cellphone screen. The room was still, the world outside drowning in the heated environment of the sun. One of the reasons why he never liked going outside; that and his social anxiety. His thoughts, however, were anything but calm. For weeks, he had been wrestling with emotions he couldn't quite comprehend, feelings that had grown like a turbulent storm inside him. The weight of his emotions, the uncertainty, and the fear had left him feeling utterly exhausted and emotionally drained. If he hadn't been that already.

Levi, with his tousled blonde hair and piercing green eyes, had been the source of Alec's turmoil. Alex had only known him for the few months that school had been going on, their friendship was built on shared interests and countless hours spent together. But lately, something has shifted, something that had shaken Alec to his core. He realized he couldn't hide it any longer. He had to confront the truth about his feelings for Levi.

A few weeks earlier during the dance, Levi confessed that he had liked Alec and even wanted to spend his life with him and just be happy. But much to Levi's surprise, he had been confessing his feelings towards K the entire time. Alec had only known about this the next morning when K had left him a note on his nightstand before the day came.

Alec hadn't spoken to Levi at all for the next week after. He didn't know how he felt about any of it. At first, he was flustered. As in, 'face red and mind scrambled' flustered. He was hesitant because he wasn't sure if he was the right person for Levi. He had so many problems of his own going on already and he had so many flaws. He was nowhere near perfect enough for him. He knew Levi had some things going on as well but Alec still wasn't good enough for anyone relationship-wise.

Alec took a deep breath, his fingers trembling as they hovered over the keyboard of his phone. He had decided that tonight was the night he would finally muster the courage to confess his true feelings to Levi. He typed and erased sentences repeatedly, searching for the perfect words, but nothing seemed adequate to express the depth of his emotions.

The moments leading up to this decision had been excruciating. Alec had stayed up countless nights, replaying this interaction with Levi in his mind. He had stolen glances during track meets and while watching from the seats at volleyball games, his heart pounding as he watched Levi's lithe figure move with grace and power. It was the moment when Levi would catch him in the hall and send him a smile and a small wave. Alec could feel his face heat up and his body subconsciously turned on his heel and walked the other way.

It was at those moments that Alec had come to terms with what he had been denying for so long. But Alec knew this wasn't just about him and his feelings. Levi was going through his own struggle.

Finally, Alec settled on a message. It was simple, yet it conveyed the sincerity of his emotions. After the text was sent, Alec laid back in his bed, curling into his pillows, and waited for the day to go away so K could come to take control and he could escape the nightmare of reality, even if for a little bit.

The next few days went by in not exactly a flash but very long and draining. The following days were a whirlwind of anticipation and anxiety. Alec couldn't focus on anything else.

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