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Ship: Blake x Jack

Type: Angst| Fluff

Requested By: no one

Plot: Blake notices that Jack has been disappearing lately so she decides to follow him.

a/n: sorry if there isn’t a lot of talking at the beginning but there will be dialogue later in.

Blake POV:

Jack has been disappearing lately. Like when we would hang out together with friends, he would suddenly make up an excuse and leave. So this time, I decided to follow him. Me, Rikku, Shizu, and him were all hanging out at the cafe. I glanced over at Jack and saw him check his watch. He then looked up at us and said he had to go do something. We all said bye to him and he left. After a minute or two, I looked up at Rikku and Shizu. “ Hey, guys, I just remembered that I have to do something too.”

“ Really?” Shizu asked.

I hummed in response, “ Yep.”

They both looked at each other. Shizu moved their eyebrows up and down, they both smirked which left me confused. They both looked at me. “ Alright, well, see you later!”

“ Bye, guys!” I waved goodbye and left and started to follow where Jack went. After a bit, I followed him to the school. What in the world is he doing at school? It’s the weekend, I thought. I watched him as he went down some kind of staircase and into a basement. I didn’t know the school had a basement.

I followed into the basement. I came upon some kind of room with a glass wall. I peeked around the corner and saw a glass sphere at the end of the room, Jack was sitting on the floor. I couldn’t hear anything but it sounded like he was saying something. I went over to the panel and pressed what looked like an unmute button. As I pressed it, I started to hear him singing.

After he finished, he put his head down and started to sob. My heart melted as I watched him. He was gonna give me explanations and soon.

Jack POV:

I was walking home after going to that room. I walked into my dorm, it seemed like none of my roommates were here. (btw, I have no clue who his roommates are. I’ll research that later.)

I walked upstairs to my dorm room and twisted the door knob. I walked inside and shut the door. “ So just doing something, huh?” I heard a voice say from behind me. I jumped and quickly looked behind me. I saw Blake leaning against the foot of my bed. “ Blake! W-what are you doing here?”

She gave me the most serious and stern look I have ever seen her give. “ Tell me what you were doing at school today and then maybe I’ll say something.” My heart almost stopped. “ W-what do you mean, Blake. Hehe, it’s-it’s a Saturday, we don’t have school.”

“ Jack, I followed you after you left Shizu, Rikku and me. I know, it seems weird but you seemed distant lately so I decided to take initiative and find out what you were doing.” She took a nervous breath before continuing, “ And when I did...I followed you down to some sort of glass room. And I saw you and you were singing and...Jack?” She stopped talking as she looked up at my face. I felt frozen in place.

She started walking up to me. She went in front of me and wiped off the tears on my face. I didn't even know I was crying.

I felt myself begin to cry more and buried my face onto her shoulder. She tensed up but quickly wrapped her arms around me giving me a comforting hug. “ Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked. I nodded.

We both sat down on my bed and it took me a couple of minutes but I somewhat calmed down, I wasn’t crying anymore but the tears were still there. “ I-I j-just…”

“ Hey, if you need a moment to breathe then breathe.” She reminded me. I nodded and took a few deep breaths. I began to continue, “ I-I…ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t talk without my mask on. You know this.”

“ Yeah, because of your quirk.” She replied, I nodded.

“ And because back then I didn’t have a mask, I couldn’t really talk to anyone. Meaning I couldn’t laugh, cry or even say thank you to someone who did something nice for me. It hurt so much….but then, Mr. Avian suggested an alternative. The room you saw was the only place where I can talk without the mask on without blowing anything up…”

“ I-I didn’t w-want anyone to know because I t-thought they would make fun of m-me…”

I felt Blake hug me tighter. “ I’m sorry you had to go through that, Jack. You could’ve told me, I would’ve understood.”

“ You would’ve?”

Blake looks up at me and nods. “ Of course, I would’ve. You’re one of my good friends, Jack. I would’ve been there for you and I still am.”

I felt a smile creep onto my face. “ Now don’t go telling other people that or you’re done for,” She said, lightly punching my arm. I chuckled. “ Thanks, Blake.”

“ Anytime, speakers.”

I scoffed and looked at her. “ Is that my new nickname?”

“ Yes.”

“ Well then, I’mma call you…ember.”

“ Ember? Like a small flame?”

“ Yep.”

She scoffed and turned away. I laughed at her reaction. The next couple of hours was spent with us laughing and fooling around until Blake had an idea for us to sing together.

a/n: sorry this was short, I barely had any inspiration writing this. But if you want another Black x Jack, let me know and give me suggestions on plot.

Word Count: 975

My Hero Origins S1 One-shots [!REQUESTS CLOSED!]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz