Anxiety pt.2

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Ship: Leander x Ronin

Type: Fluff|Hurt/Comfort

Request by: IDONTREADbutiread

Plot: Leander helps Ronin recover from his injuries. He lets him stay at his house for the time being. Leander tries to get Ronin to open up about the experience.

a/n: still in my au (that meaning it might have my ocs in there)

Leander POV:

I quickly open my door and walk around to my passenger and open it. I help Ronin get out of his seat and stand out of the car. He slightly whimpers and limps away from the car, holding onto the car door. I reach in and grab his crutches.

I lean back out of the car and hand him his crutches. He takes them and puts both of them underneath his arms. He backs away from the car. I close the car door and walk back to his side to help him walk around the car.

As we get closer to the door, I rush over to the door and open it. I walk back over to him and help him inside.

We walk inside and I close the door behind us. I called Matvey ahead of time on the way here that we were gonna need the house for the time being. He’s probably staying at Meialine’s place for the meantime.

I set Ronin down on the couch and set his crouches next to him. I walk over to the kitchen. I start looking around in the fridge. “Are you doing alright? Do you want something to drink?” I ask him. He doesn’t respond. I look back at him and see him staring at the ground.

I sigh and go over to my cabinet and grab a glass.

I walk back over to my fridge and fill the glass with water. I walk over to the couch and sit down next to him. “Do you want a glass of water? It’s important to stay hydrated.”

He stays silent and continues to stare at the floor, not saying a word. I set the glass down on the table next to the couch and look back at him. “Hey…are you okay?”

He doesn’t say anything and continues to stare at the ground with an emotionless look on his face.

I softly grasp his hand. “Do you want to talk about it? I know we don’t have the best relationship at the moment, but you can still confide in me.”

Silence. “Am I…weak?” He asks, his voice straining.

I look at him shocked. “No, you’re not.”

I start to see tears forming in his eyes. “Then why did I fall down so easily?”

“You didn’t. I watched the fight, it lasted a good while.”

“Leander-” He looks at me with teary eyes. “-you can say it. I’m weak.”

“, you’re not.” I grab him and pull him into me, resting his head on my chest.

“You are the best person I’ve ever had the honor of knowing. Sure, you close yourself off from others and hide your real personality but when your true colors shine, it’s so beautiful.”

I can feel him crying into my chest. “You aren’t weak. I know this for a fact.”

After about 30 minutes, his tears finally stop. “Do you want a glass of water now?”

“I’m tired,” He mutters.

“Alright then, let’s go to my room.” I gently pick him up and bridal carry him upstairs. I set him down on my bed and tuck us both in. I lay my head down next to him and stare at his closed eyes. He looks so peaceful. I smile and lean my forehead against this.

YA lyublyu tebya, Ronin

Word Count: 612

a/n: I know this was really short and I apologize. I was just writing whatever I was thinking. I didn’t really have much of a serious plot line going for this. If you guys want to rewrite this, let me know and maybe leave a suggestion of what should happen in the new part two.

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