Ferris Wheel

653 9 5

Ship: Shino X Artemis

Type: fluff

Requested by: No one

Plot: This takes place while Artemis and Shino are going to the boardwalk on their second date.

Warning: *MILD PANIC ATTACK* and EXTREME!CUTE!GAYNESS!!!! (and cringe)


No one POV:

Ever since the mall date, Shino wanted to ask Artemis out on another date but he didn't know where he wanted to go. This had been troubling him for a while, he really liked Artemis and really wanted to impress him. He sat at the dining table and looked at his phone at nearby places he could potentially go for this second date.

Nothing was settling for his interest, so he decided to do the next best thing....He texted Blake.

~ Hothead 🔥 ~

Golden Oreo: Hey blake?

Hothead: yeah?

Golden Oreo: I need help

Hothead: With?

Golden Oreo: I want 2 take Arti out on a second date but I don't know where to go

Hothead: Aaah, I see~

Hothead: Wait wth?! You and Arti went on a date and didn't tell me?!

Golden Oreo: That doesn't matter right now

Hothead: Fine...

Golden Oreo: I want this date to be special for Artemis. I care about him a lot

Golden Oreo: He's....sort of like my whole world...I'd do anything for him. I love him

Hothead: Aaaawwww! 😍

Hothead: You know what? I have the perfect place for you 2

Golden Oreo: Really? thanks!

Hothead: Ofc! If he really makes you that happy, then I support it

Golden Oreo: Thanks again Blake

Hothead: yw! 😉

Hothead: I'll send you the address

Hothead: Oh btw, I kinda had a feeling you liked Arte by the way you always looked at him.

Golden Oreo: W-what?! 😳

Golden Oreo: Blake!

Hothead: haha! You know I'm right

Shino smirked at the text message Blake had sent. Now that he was thinking about it, he did sort of notice how he had acted around Artemis before. Blake had even mentioned that he was being a 'big softie'. The sound of his texts snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked back at his screen and saw that Blake had sent a map to the spot along with a picture of a Ferris wheel that was there.

' Perfect.' Shino smiled. He plugged the address into his GPS. All he needed to do now was to get Artemis there then the rest was up to fate.


Shino POV:

I walked upstairs to Artemis's door, I adjusted my beanie out of its crooked position. I sharply inhaled and exhaled. " You got this, Shino....Just knock." I told myself. I knocked on the door twice, no response. I knocked again, no response again. " Artemis?" I twisted the knob and the door opened. I peeked inside his room, it was empty.

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