You're not a monster

419 4 0

Ship: Kol x Ana

Type: Angst|Hurt/Comfort

Requested By: Me

Plot: Ana is feeling self-conscious and Kol finds out and they have a talk.

Ana POV:

I stare out at the water in front of me. Some of the kids at school were making fun of me today because of my one eye and they were joking behind my back too. They were saying stuff like:

“Why does she only have one eye? It’s freaky.”

“I don’t even know.”

“Dude, do you think if she wears like a monocle, she could be called two-eyes?”

“Ha! Then she could be normal.”

And then they would laugh.

I wipe away some of the tears from my eye and sniff. I curl myself up into a ball. I am done with my one eye. My parents always told me that it made me special. I don't feel special. I feel like an outcast.

What’s even worse is that I’m the only person in the school with one eye. No one gets what I feel like. Sometimes, I just wish I didn’t exist.

Kol POV:

I walk down the sidewalk next to the big pond in the city. I like to take a walk after school. Just to relax. I’d rather be doing this than homework.

As I am walking, I start to hear muffled crying. I continue walking and see a small girl sitting by the lake curled up.

The hair and outfit look very familiar. “Wait…Ana?”

I walk onto the lakeside and walk up to her.

I walk over to her and sit down next to her. "Ana?"

She looks at me and quickly looks away. She sniffs and rubs her eye. "K-kol...what are you doing here?"

“Don’t avoid the question, Ana. I saw you crying.”

“I-...I don’t know what you mean-”

“Please don’t lie to me.”

She stays silent.

"I-..I don't like being me anymore."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I just want to be normal for once. Maybe then people will like me."

I feel a small bit of anger inside. I know someone said something to make her feel like this. When I find out who, they won’t see the light of day again. But for now, I have to comfort Ana.

“Well, I like who you are.”

She sniffs and looks back up at me. “You do?”

I nod my head. “I lo-like every part of you. Your one eye, your cool black hair, your cute outfits.”

She giggles. “I like your shoes. I like every part of you.”

Her smile fades and she looks away again. “But you don’t get what it’s like. Nobody at the school has only one eye except for me. My parents tell me that it makes me special but I don’t feel special, I feel like a monster. A freak.”

I stare at her in disbelief. “Ana. Look at me.”

She looks at me slightly. I grab both of her cheeks and face her towards me. “You are amazing. You are not a monster nor a freak. If you weren’t in my life, I don’t know where I’d be right now. You have that kind of impact on me, to be a better person. And that about you.”

She looks at me shocked. “You…love me?”

I realize what I said and let go of her and look away. “”

I look back at her and chuckle. “I guess I should say it now,” I mutter.

“Ana, I-...I really like you.”

“ do?”

“Yeah, I have for a while now.”

“I..I like you too.”

Now it is my turn to be shocked. “R-really?”

“Mhm. I’ve always admired you for a while and eventually I started to catch feelings for you.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

She smiles. I smile back. “Can I…do something impulsive?”


I slowly grab both of her cheeks and bring her face up to mine. I keep her face close to mine, our lips brushing over each other. I could feel her breath on my face. Suddenly, she grabs me and connects our lips. She rests her hands on my neck while mine stays on her cheeks.

Our lips separate from each other. We both slowly open our eyes and look at each other. “Wow…” We both mutter.

We look up at the sunset at the end of the lake. “Thank you, Kol. For making me feel better.”

“No. Thank you, Ana. For making my life so much better.”

She smiles and looks at the sunset. I look with her. We stay there for the rest of the evening watching the sunset.

Word Count: 774

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