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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I groan as I sit up and throw my legs on the side of the bed. I turn to look at Sasuke and see him sleeping peacefully. I smile softly and lean down.

I plant a small kiss on his forehead, but was surprised when he through his arms around me and threw me next to him. I laugh as he starts to cuddle me. Just then, Sakura's phone started ringing.

I pick it up to see the title, 'kiba'. I frown as the name sounded familiar. I pick up the call to hear a male voice.

'Hey! You haven't answered in a while. I was really worried.'

'uh.. This is not Sakura, this is her friend. Sakura is in the hospital..'

Kiba went quiet for a while. 'Can you please explain?'

I sigh in the phone. 'Sure.-'

'what if we met up and then you told me?'

Sasuke narrows his eyes at the phone. 'uh sure.' I said not seeing a problem.

Sasuke looks at me angrily.

'Nice, see you at the coffee shop down town.' Just then Kiba hangs up the phone.

I look at Sasuke to see him glaring at me. "what?" I ask raising a brow. But sasuke rolls his eyes and leaves the bed.

"Sasuke!" I said getting out of bed and stopping him. "What's wrong? He just wanted to meet up. Is that so wrong?"

"y.e.s." sasuke said leaning in. He then pushed me gently aside as he made his way to the bathroom.

"sasuke," I whine walking after him. Suddenly I was pushed to the wall. I look up to see Sasuke. I sweat drop.

"Look Naruto, I find it weird how he just immediately wanted to meet up instead of saying it on the phone. I mean you have never met. He doesn't even know your name. I'm not going to let you meet up with him, because he gives me a bad vibe. I have a bad feeling about it." He said narrowing his eyes at me.

I huff, "Well I'm going anyway!" I said turning to the door and leaving. "Naruto!" Sasuke yelled after me.

I grabbed a beanie and hid my tail and ears as I walked out the door with a yelling Sasuke behind me.

I walked down town, angrily as I mutter under my breath. I was about to turn the corner to the coffee shop when I was pulled into an ally way.

"Don't say or do anything ok? I'm gonna take you somewhere where you can have fun." The man said. He had a deep raspy voice. My face went pale as my eyes went wide.

I look around too see if anyone noticed, but no one did. They were too busy with their lives.

I nod as I felt something sharp pressed on my neck. Suddenly, everything went black.

I woke up to feeling weird, pleasure like feeling. I opened my eyes and saw woman and men surrounding me. They looked thirsty for sex.

I look down to see I was being chained to a table. I look behind me to see a guy fucking me.

That's when it hit me. I was gonna get raped by everyone here. I looked up and realized my tail and ears were out.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

"Stop!" I yelled trying to kick the man off. But it was no use. The man slapped my ass hard and yelled, "Shut up!"

I screamed in pain as he did so. "Oh I like that sound." He said, a smirk curving on his face.

He slapped my ass again and again, causing me to scream painfully. While everyone started laughing at me.

Suddenly the man stopped and pulled out his dick. He started thrusting his dick and then he came all over the dirty floor.

"My turn!" A girl yelled raising her hand. This girl is way too excited.

"No!" I yell shaking my head and kicking my legs. But the man came and flipped me over on my back.

The girl then made her way over to me, turned around, grabbed my dick and shoved it in her. I gasp as pleasure I didn't want filled me. Even though it was pleasure, I felt disgusted.

The girl moaned loudly as she started to ride my dick. "Argh~ fuck yes!~" she yelled as she started to bounce faster.

There was a knock at the door, and hope filled me as the image of Sasuke filled my mind.

Everyone looked at each other confused. But then ignored it.
Just then the door was kicked down reveling Sasuke.

Sasuke looked disturbed when we saw all the naked people. The room was then filled with my cries as I yelled for Sasuke.

"SASUKE!" I yelled as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Sasuke!" I threw my head back crying with no Shame at all.

Sasuke's eyes went wide as he saw me. "Naruto..?" He said quietly.
"What the fuck are y'all doing!" he yelling pushing everyone out of his way. He came to the woman who was on me.

He raised his hand, and smacked her. With that one smack. Her head flew off her lifeless body.

Sasuke then broke the chains easily and picked me up. I threw my arms around him as I cried on him. Damping his shirt.

Suddenly the atmosphere around us became heavy and dark. Sasuke looked at everyone with eyes I have never seen before.

"You are all going to die. And go to fucking hell." Sasuke said looking at everyone. Everyone panicked and ran for the door. But it was no use.

Sasuke put me down of the table, tensed every muscle in his body, and with the blink of an eye. Everyone's heads went flying off their body.

I eyes widen as Sasuke stepped on their dead body's, making his way over to me.

He looked me up and down and grits his teeth. He then unbuttoned his shirt and threw it over my shoulders, covering me like a blanket.

I slipped my hands in , but Sasuke buttoned it back up. "We are going home, now." Sasuke's voice was calm, but serious.

All I could so was nod.

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