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That night, me and Naruto fell asleep in the guest room. I woke up to the sun hitting my face and hearing the birds chirping.

I groan and put my hand over my eyes to block the sun. I look to my left to see a sleeping Naruto.

I smile at seeing him sleep so peaceful. I decide to get up and make something to eat.
I've seen Sakura cook, so maybe..

I walk over to the kitchen but stop when I see a stranger sitting on the couch, sipping tea.

What the actual fuck?

It took me a few seconds to finally act.

My ears go up, and my pupils go narrow. My whole body tenses up. I slowly walk up to the back of the mans head. I tense my fingers, so immediately my nails grow long and sharp.

Once right behind the man, I put my index and middle finger to his neck.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, my voice low.

The guy stops drinking his tea, and sets it down. "Sasuke.. I'm here to take my son." He said.

I was shocked and confused. And I hated being confused.

I push my nails into his neck to help release anger, "What the hell are you saying, and what are you planning to do?" I ask, low enough for it to sound like a growl.

The man flinched at the pain. "Ok, calm down." He says as he takes off his hood, revealing ears.

The man had blond hair, just like Naruto. He was staring in the reflection of the T.V. He also had blue eyes.

"I'm Naruto's dad, I'm here to take him back to the forest-"

"No." I said plainly. "Your not taking Naruto anywhere." I push my nails deeper into his neck causing it to bleed.

He sighs, "Sasuke, do you not remember me?"

"No, I don't need to remember someone who clams to be the person who abandoned Naruto." I said looking down on him. "Now why are you taking Naruto?" I ask once again.

The man hesitates at first, but then finally says,"Because the forest god wants him to become the next forest god." He said standing up. I narrow my eyes, watching him very carefully.

"Why?" I ask walking in front of him, stopping him from going into the room where Naruto is.

He stops and stares at me. He was hesitating. Why?

"Because, he was the first one to ever threaten the gods, on behalf of a human. And because Naruto has something in him." He continued walking towards me, expecting me to move.

But he stops. I raise my brow in confusion. But suddenly he started charging at me with his fist in the air. "Move god dammit!" He yells in anger.

I block his lame attack with my hand, and while doing that, I bring up my legs and kick the side of his neck.

He groans in pain as he backs away. I then karate chop his neck, causing him to pass out.


I immediately tie him up to a chair. I go into Naruto's room to check up on him.

I open the door to see Naruto backed up to the wall. His ears were down and his tail was between his legs.

There was a red headed woman in front of him, pinning him to the wall.

"Naruto please believe me." The woman said.

I saw Naruto shake his head, there was then a muffled scream.

Fuck off oh my fucking god.

I walk up to the lady and karate chop her neck too. She falls to the floor unconscious.

I look at Naruto and Naruto looks at me. "Are you ok? I'm sorry I'm late." I said coming closer to him.

He does a sigh of relief and throws his arms around me.

After our moment, Naruto helps me tie her up to a chair as well.
Once we were done, we waited for them to wake up.

We sit down on the couch, watching them.

"What did she tell you?" I ask turning to face Naruto. He looks at the ground and says, "She said that the forest god wants me to be the next god."

I nod, "Did she say why?" I ask looking back at the two strangers.

Naruto shakes his head in response. "Did he tell you?" He asks looking back up at me.

I nod, but didn't say anything. "Well what did he say?" Naruto asks giving me an eager look.

I sigh, "He said it was because there was something in you. And because you were the only one who has ever threaten the gods, especially the forest god, on behalf of a human." I said looking back at Naruto.

Naruto was shocked, but then rolled his eyes. "That's fucking stupid."

I chuckle a little, but then go back to being serious. "Naruto the man said he was your dad. Did the woman say she was your mom or something?" I ask, running my hand through my hair.

Naruto was shocked. "WHAT?!" He jumped up and looked at me with a shocked and confused look.

"She didn't say any of that!" He said shaking his head. "And I thought my parents were dead!"

"Yea me too." I said getting up and standing next to Naruto.

"If they are still alive, then why did they abandon me?" Naruto says clenching his fist and gritting his teeth.

"We are sorry Naruto, but we have our reasons." The woman says.

Naruto jumps and grabs my arm. We both turn to face the woman.

"Who are you?" I ask my pupils narrowing. "Really.."

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