"Here, Change into this." I handed him a white shirt of mine. "So you are the one planning event for my brother's wedding, Jeon Jungkook?" I asked.

"Yes... I am." he said grabbing the shirt like a pissed kid.

"Who hired you? Dad or Jungkook?" he questioned.

"By any chance do you work in CBI? Asking me questions and all." he scoffed.

"Where this boldness of yours disppears when I touch you."

"No.. Nowhere... You are delusional."

"Am I let's try." I extended my hand and he ran away.

"Noo.... Way..."

"Okay Seokjin I'll let you go for now but on one condition."


"A drink at the end of this evening?"

"What if I decline?"

"It's your choice, I won't force." I smiled at his demeanor, he gets cold and hot within seconds.

He bit on his lower lip, staring into my eyes. "Okay, but not in some room or closed space."

"Alright... You can change here. I am gonna go for shower." I smiled leaving him to do changing.

The dim lightening of this room is what imprinted on my memory since childhood. I got ready for the evening and came here to see father. It was his study, where he usually spends his time.

A cold dark room just like me. They say you become like the surroundings you grow in. Most part of my childhood, scratch that i never had a childhood. Most part of my life is spent here learning from him, becoming like him.

"Didn't you congratulate your brother. He is married now. On top of that to an insignificant boy." father said.

"I will at reception. Did you meet his husband?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. Do you know about that boy? Don't tell me you didn't even try to find it."

"I am trying father, I didn't know Jungkook would marry this soon."

"You are losing your grip Namjoon. I gave you one task and you couldn't even find about a boy." Father chuckled.

"I am trying okay... Either he has nothing or he is hiding something big." I said irritated.

"Don't raise your voice on me Namjoon. Get your grip together and do what needs to be done."

I entered the garden, where the preparation were done. I must say Seokjin did a great job setting this place up. I looked around but I couldn't see him. I think he is working in background somewhere. Although my eyes are eager to see him after the event ends.

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Congratulations Jungkook, my brother

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Congratulations Jungkook, my brother." I said, finding the evening's couple standing in the center of the venue.

"You made it finally." Jungkook said hugging me. I saw Taehyung squeeze in his place and looking away.

"I am sorry I missed your wedding but I am here."

"Good to see that. This is Jeon Taehyung, my husband, official introduction was yet pending and Taehyung this is my elder brother Jeon Namjoon."

"Pleasure is all mine." I said kissing the back of Taehyung's hand. I give this to my brother that he did find a beautiful one. "I am sorry for that day, if I said something inappropriate."

"No, it's okay." My so called brother in law smiled.

"Can I have a dance with my brother in law?" I raised my eyebrow smiling at Jungkook. He squeezed Taehyung's waist giving him assurance. Oh come on I am no monster.

"Yes sure." Jungkook said and I took Taehyung to the dance floor.

I know there are innocent people in this world but this boy right infront of me is way too innocent, playing right into a fairytale. I knew from the start something was off.

"So succeeded finally." I said swaying him along the music maintaining smile on my face.

"Sorry I didn't get you." he said look right back at  me.

"Oh you know well Taehyung, you aren't that innocent you pretend to be. I had my suspicions from the day I met you. Your tears made my skin itch you know. However, you did marry my brother I give you that, you are a clever one."

"You are making me uncomfortable Mr. Jeon Namjoon." he said and I tightened my grip along his waist.

"Keep pretending, you don't wanna make Jungkook worried now do you? Hmm? Anyways you are better in pretending. Enjoy Taehyung while this marriage of yours last." I whispered in his ear.

"What do you mean? I love Jungkook." he stuttered a bit.

"Yes, you sure do. I know Taehyung, where you belong originally. I am familiar with that world, wait until I make Jungkook familiar with it." I whispered the last part near his ear, loosing my grip.

"Do whatever you want. Jungkook is mine." he smiled, forming a slight smirk leaving me standing on the floor. I was right. I was right all along. It's him 'Venus' or should I say 'V'.


I hope y'all are enjoying the wedding so far 🤧😂😂

Love from my side. 💜

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