Tale 1. The Odd Potion

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December 19 2007.

Camp Half Blood

Winter at Camp Half Blood was very different to the rest of the year. Most campers had vanished and gone back to their homes. Others stayed around. A girl ran through the snow, making crunching noises as her boots hit the ground covered in freezing snow. She still ran as if nothing bothered her, she wore a beige cardigan, white shirt, black skirt with black long socks and brown boots with heels.

She spun to the side and stopped in front of a little cabin far away from camp, she knocked on the door and a voice told her to come inside. The girl stepped inside and shut the cabin door. "There's a problem!" The girl hissed in some sort of whisper. It made the boys head snap up, his face dropped. "What do you mean?" He asked, moving his black hair away from his face.

"I-.. what do you mean? THERE'S A CRISIS DEMETRIUS!" she yelled to Demetrius. "Harrietta, I'd appreciate if you'd actually use words to explain why you are freaking out." He sighed and dropped his hammer onto the desk. Loretta put her hair out of her face. "Leonore's got a new potion, she's searching for Guinea pigs." Harrieta said.

Demetrius looked even more confused then he was before. "She turned people into Guinea pigs?" He asked earning him a long, irritated sigh from Harrietta. "No! She's finding people to turn into Guinea Pigs!" She said, she looked out the window. "Gotta go!" She ran out the door at the speed of light.

"Harrietta wait-" a new person entered. She had brown hair and blue eyes with a mischievous gleam across her face. "Hello Demetrius." She said.

"Ohh! Leonore!" he turned to look out the window.  "Coward!" He called after the charging daughter of Aphrodite. "Anyways.. Hey Leonore! What brings you here.. I see you have um. A vile there."

"Well, I have news. I've learnt how to replicate the charmspeak ability, thought you'd be interested because Loretta, despite being a child of Aphrodite, doesn't have it because there is a few. You could use it on her, or your siblings.. or, to charm your crush!"

"You've found my weakness, charm my crush and be able to do something Loretta can't, give it here." Demetrius said. "Yes!" Leonore whispered under her breath and passed the vile to Demetrius.

Demetrius sipped a bit and immediately began choking. "Ugh! Tastes like moldy lake water." He gurgled. "Makes sense since that's what I used." Leonore said.

"Ew.." Demetrius said. "Now try to Charmspeak." Leonore said. "No! I need to go and brush my teeth. Here take this." He passed it back to Leonore. "And don't ask me to drink lake water EVER AGAIN!" Demetrius yelled. Leonore took the vile. "I will never ask you to drink lake water again." Leonore answered like some sort of robot.

"Good I- oh." Demetrius realised what he had done. Leonore stood there with a confused look. "Give it back here again.."

A few hours later, Demetrius had a whole secret place full of it. He walked out of his cabin and after shutting the door it turned invisible. He walked around until he was outside of the Aphrodite cabin, he knocked. The door opened. "Oh, hello Demetrius." Silena smiled.

"Heya Sil, say.. where's Harrietta?" Demetrius asked. "I'll get her, HARRIETTA!" silena yelled. Loretta came and ran out the door, shutting the door too.

"What happened? Did she nearly get you?" Harrietta yelled.

"No. But she did give me a potion and now I can charmspeak."

Harrietta went red. "What?!" She yelled.

"Skill issue tbh." Demetrius grinned and walked away from a raging Harrietta.

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