2. Skipping school

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Sofie (Genevieve) Myer-Romano (Loukanis)

Another day, another type of torture.

Whether it's from siblings that are supposed to love you, care for you, and be there for you. Or friends (that I don't have) that are supposed to help you put your self out there, meet people, do fun things.

I only have one friend, his name is Atticus Esposito, red for short. We've been friends since grade 4, we basically grew up together. He's the only friend I need/want, other then his brothers, Maverick and Milo, we're sorta friends but definitely not as close as me and red.

Speaking of friends and school, I have to be there in 30 minutes. I go to a private school that's a 20 minute walk from my house, I don't know if they notice money going out of they're accounts because they don't even notice me.

I'm a B student, my siblings are all A students, none of them are in school anymore. They would probably notice me more if I got all A's but I don't. I get A's here and there but mostly B's and never C's.

My mom would probably be proud of me, before their dad died I used to listen to him talk about her. It was all nice things up until I was born, when he got to the part where I was born he made her sound angry all the time.

Probably because they kept fighting ever since I was born, and then when I turned 4 mother died from a car crash. When I was 8 father died from a stroke, I don't know how, he wasn't even 40.

That's when everything went down hill, every since my mom died it went down hill. Father blamed most of it on himself but took the anger out on me because I looked like her the most.

But when he died everyone took it out on me. Blamed it on me, said if I wasn't born mother would probably still be here and father wouldn't of had a stroke from the loss of his wife.

I don't even think that's how strokes work, but mother definitely wasn't the cause of it because he was seeing other woman when she was alive and after.

On my walk to school I think about mother, today is her 9 year anniversary of her death. Which means everyone is going to be on edge and angry. I normally try to stay over at Red's all day until night,  when they won't notice me as much. I normally do but today there is a mafia ball hosted by some random mafia that I don't know and of course my brothers mafia was invited.

I don't like going to these events, especially the annual mafia ball. That ball has a lot of death, a different mafia hosts every year and has to come up with some way of making sure that all of their inner circles can be trusted. Which means they have to do something outrageous.

But the other mafia balls are just random, some are if they took down a whole mafia, so basically a party. Some are if there is a new mafia don, or two mafias joining together with a marriage or an arranged marriage.

There's many more mafia balls that they do. The one I'm going to tonight is a death ball, you are expected to wear black, the family that has the death wears red and hosts the ball. This is the third death ball I've been to, they aren't that fun. None of the balls are.

When you marry a mafia man it's hard to trust his loyalty because they are normally fucking girls behind your back. That's why it's normally an arranged marriage when mafias get married. So they can't divorce each other. So they basically can fuck who-ever they want and can not love each other but still have to be married.

"Hey Sof!" I pull red into a hug, red is considered a bad boy, a lot of the girls want him. He doesn't want them though. I don't think he's the touchy type but he will let me hug him when I need it.

If or when we hug I normally start it, he sometimes catches me off guard when he hugs me. It's normally when he's sad though. I think of red as a brother I've always wanted, I do have 8 brothers but red is the one I've always wanted.

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