5. Party plans

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Sofìe (Genevieve) Myer-Romano (Loukanis)

"I hate this." Madden complains. Ronan, Atticus oldest brother. Is driving us to his house so we can work on the project. Only thing is that Ronan's car is a five seater, there's seven of us. Me, red, Ronan, Milo, Maverick, Samuel, and Madden.

Madden is complaining because he has to sit on Samuel's lap. But I'm sitting on red's lap and you don't see me complaining, I'm just reading my book. I do think Ronan needs a bigger car if he's going to offer to drive 7 people instead of 4.

It's been four days since the ball, more so event. Maverick, says my cuts are healing well, except the deep ones. Ronan, put stitches in, to heal faster and because of how deep they are. He's not a doctor but he said he had to learn how to take care of his cuts since he used to get in fights.

Maybe it's a good thing he's out of high school. From what I remember, every week he used to go home with cuts and bruises from fights. I don't know if he still gets in fights with other people but he definitely does with his brothers.

"So, Sofìe. How old are you?" I look up from my book, the first time since we got in the car. It's not red or his brothers asking, they already know my age. Madden is on his phone, so it's his brother, Samuel, asking.

"13." I go back to reading thinking he's done with his questions, but of course, he needs to ask more. "So you hang out with 15, 17, and 20, year olds?" They all look at me, I can admit, it is weird hanging out with 17 and 20 year olds when I'm 13.

"Yep." I lost interest in this conversation before it even started. I'm not big on talking, if I'm not close with you, you may never hear me speak. You might think I'm mute or something.

"When and how did you guys meet." Madden asks this one, the one question I don't like. I can't just tell them that it was at a mafia ball for another death. They would think I'm crazy. "Six years ago, she was eight and I was ten. We met at a event, she was sitting under a table and looked bored and lonely. So I joined her." Red, thankfully tells the story instead of me.


"So anyone have an idea on how to build a robot?" Atticus asks, I'm at a good part of my book so I don't answer. I probably wouldn't of answered anyways. "Sof?" He turns to me when everyone else says no.

"Umm, metal, wires, I don't know, it was an idea doesn't mean I know how to build one." I move forward, my back is starting to hurt from leaning against red's bed. Shit, my cuts are bleeding, my shirt is stuck to my back. "I'll be back."

Everyone watches me leave the room, I'm going to find Ronan. He can fix my stitches and give me new bandages since I didn't get new ones yet because there's people over. "Ronan?" I knock on his bedroom, I don't normally but last time he was jerking off. I was traumatized for days, I don't know why I didn't click into what he was doing when I heard him moan.

"Come in." I walk in to Ronan sitting at his desk. Thank god. "What do you need?" He puts all of his attention on me, I don't like it that much but I'm used to it from the Ricci's. "My cuts are bleeding again." I sighed, it's really annoying, I guess it's what I deserve for watching my brother fuck a girl.

"Follow me." I follow him into his bathroom that's attached to his room. I sit down on the toilet, lid down. I have to take my sweater and shirt off so he can get access to my cuts. All I have on is my bra and the school skirt. I hold the top over my chest and stomach so he can't see.

When he cleans the cuts they don't sting like they did at first, I just used to the stinging after a couple of days. "I have to re-stitch your cuts." I watch him bed down underneath his sink for his stitching tools.

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