chapter 54- two hearts

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haven's pov - 1 week later

i wake up with a strange feeling in my stomach.

not like sickness, or nerves, or pain, or anything like that. just a feeling.

a strange gut feeling i can't shake.

like something important is today. or something important is going to happen today. but i can't figure out what.

am i forgetting something?

the weird feeling never leaves me. not while i eat breakfast, not while i shower, not while i get ready to film the mr. beast video.

what is happening?

the familiar karl jacobs knock sounds through my door when it's time to go film. i'm shaken out of my distraction, and notice i'm staring out the window into nothing but the gray, cloudy sky. i shake my head, then grab my stuff and answer the door. with notably less enthusiasm than usual.

"are you okay?" karl asks as we walk to the car, immediately sensing that something was up. sometimes i hate how perceptive he is.

"i'm fine," i reply. "probably just had some bad coffee this morning. my brain's sort of a mess."

"why would your brain be a mess?"

"i'm not sure. i woke up with a strange feeling. must be nervous to film. even though i've been doing it for, like, a year and a half now."

"can't believe that's how long we've been together," karl whispers under his breath. "doesn't that sound like such a long time? but it really doesn't feeling that long."

"i know." i tighten wrap my jacket tighter against my body, the freezing january air nipping at my nose and sending chills throughout my entire body. i wouldn't be surprised if it starts snowing later today.

we make it to the studio, and everything is already set up from the preparation day yesterday. there wasn't much to set up– all i had to focus on was decorating a backdrop for the video with a couple other people. karl, jimmy, and the other beast crew members were sorting stuff out and labeling stuff for the video. the video concept today is filming a "real vs. fake" sort of thing. i have no idea what items are in store, but it'll be fun to play along with the contestants and see if i can get anything right. i've watched enough expensive taste test videos to hopefully get at least a couple.

after a few quick greetings, jimmy sets everyone into place and the recording starts.

first up is a boy named will guessing the difference between a real/expensive watch and a cheap one. there's hardly a difference through sight alone, at least not to me. but...

"this one is the fake," will says, holding up the watch on his left.

"what makes you so sure?" jimmy asks.

"well, you see the rim on both of them? on the real one, it's gold. you can tell because when you tilt it, the light reflects off of it and it doesn't change color. with the fake one, the color is not only a lot more brassy, but the light doesn't reflect off of the material. also, the glass covering the watch face. on the cheap one, the glass is a lot thicker and denser. i don't even think it's real glass, might be plastic that feels like glass. when you tap on it with your nail-" he gives the glass a tap- "it's a very hollow sound. but when you tap this one-" he taps the other watch- "it's a very high-pitched, fragile sound. this one is also a lot more prone to fingerprints. you can see that my fingerprints are already sort of on it." he inhales slowly and lets out a shy laugh. "so yeah. that's what makes me so sure."

i look at karl and see him and chandler side eyeing each other. jimmy's mouth is hanging open, his jaw practically on the floor, unsure of how to respond. 

sweet tooth - karl jacobsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt