chapter 7- karl jacobs

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haven's pov

when i get off work and return to my apartment, ava is already inside waiting for me. she texted me this time, informing me that she would be there for me. which i'm not complaining about, it gets a lonely with only my cat to talk to all the time.

"hey," ava says when she hears my keys jingling and me opening the door. she hardly looks up from her phone. "how was work?"

"it was alright, whatcha doing?" i ask, hanging my keys on a rack on the wall.

"watching a video."


i change from my jeans and t-shirt into a hoodie and leggings. once done, i return to the main room where ava is still resting. her body is curled up into a ball on my couch, and her eyes are glued to her phone. i can't tell what she's watching, but whatever it is, she's absolutely transfixed.

the volume is on high enough that i can make out a few words of the video.

"dude, chill! it was just a prank!" i hear a giggly voice shout from the phone.

i immediately freeze in my tracks and my heart turns to ice.

that sounds so much like-

"ava?" i ask, panic arising in my voice. "what was that?"

"what was what...?" she replies, barely listening to me.

"what are you watching?"

"umm, the new mr. beast video?"

"who's that?" the name sounds familar, but i can't put a finger on it.

"a really popular and cool youtuber. you haven't heard of him, haven? he does a bunch of charity work and expensive crap. it's fascinating to watch, honestly."

i nod slowly. that's right, he's asuper popular youtuber that's known for having a shit ton of money. i've heard of him, but i've never watched any of his videos.

a few puzzle pieces start clicking together in my brain.

"what's his real name?"

"mr. beast's?" ava clarifies.


"oh, it's jimmy."

my heart starts back up again, this time beating faster than i think it's ever beaten before.

"you're joking, right?"

ava looks up at me, noticing the visible freak out i'm having.

"are you alright-"

"can you show me the video?"

without waiting for a response, i catapult myself to the couch and sit next to ava. i press the "play" button on her phone, watching the video.

until he's there.

karl is in the frame.

he's only standing in the background, but that's most definitely him.

"who's that?" i ask ava, pointing at karl's figure.

i'm sure i already know who it is, but just to clarify-

"that's karl jacobs. he's a member of the beast crew. he, along with chandler, nolan, and kris, help mr. beast with his videos," she replies calmly.

that confirms it.

this is karl.

this is why he's been coming to the store so often.

this is the jimmy he's been talking about (a shame i'll never be able to tell him "i knew it" after finding out jimmy isn't real).

why would he hide all this, though? i mean, this is just about the coolest job i've ever seen. getting to help an insanely loaded man create cool videos and do charity work. why not just say that's why you're at the candy store? why would he-

"haven?" ava's voice rings through my ears. "is something wrong? you've gone really pale..."

"uh, it's nothing." i let out a nervous laugh and fidget with the ends of my blonde hair. "gosh, i'm really sorry about this, but i totally forgot i was going to have a friend over! he'll be here any minute, so i really don't think you'd want to stick around..."

ava raises an eyebrow at me.

"you never have friends over," she quips. i chew on my bottom lip as i think of a response. "you hardly even have friends."

okay, jeez. no need to go for the jugular.

"yeah well, it's a friend from work! and it's a boy! boys are so gross, you don't want to be around him. he'll probably be sweaty and smelly and uhh... burp. a lot. i wouldn't want you to go through that!" i laugh awkwardly again as i pick up ava's keys from my kitchen counter, plop them into her hand, and push her out the front door.

"see you later, sis! do come visit again!" i slam the door shut, lock it behind me, then press my back against the wood. my breathing is heavy, and a million little cogs turn in my head at once.

karl jacobs, huh?

i run to my room, open up my laptop, and go on youtube. after quickly typing "mr. beast" into the search bar, a bunch of results come up. i click on the channel at the top, that's amassed nearly one hundred million subscribers, and scroll through videos. the one that catches my eye is entitled "Press this button to win $100,000!" i click it, and let the video play through.

i must admit, the video is really entertaining. karl humors me the most, with his stupid little antics he puts on throughout the video. i gotta say, him peeing in a bucket was probably my favorite part of the video.

then came the end, when the winner of who wins the mass amount of money is determined.

and the winner is karl.

i instinctively start smiling at my laptop as i watch him cheer out of excitement. he looks so genuinely happy, and his smile is contagious.

i can't help but notice how well he seems to treat his sister, when he facetimes her and tells her that he won $100,000 for her.

maybe i judged him too quickly. maybe he isn't-

no. don't go there.

i sigh and let my head hang down. i can't believe i almost thought... that. i almost let myself forget the promise i made to myself all that time ago.

key word: almost.

(A/N oh look at that, we're on chapter 7 and my uploading schedule already drifted off course </3 anyway looks like haven figured out karl's little secret... thank you ava for pushing this story along we love you!!! and i love you guys! please vote, comment, share, and add this to your reading lists! :) i hope you have a beautiful day xoxo)

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