chapter 42- fixing

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my heart rate immediately picks back up, beating faster than it did earlier. without hesitating, i nod.

the two of us lean in closer, and our lips eventually meet each other.


karl's pov

oh my god.

i'm doing it. i'm kissing haven evergreen.

her lips taste like strawberries. and cherries. and watermelon. and all of the sweetest things you can think of. probably because of all of that candy she had worked with for years.

since the position we're in is pretty uncomfortable when it comes to kissing, we both lean completely on our sides so we're facing each other. i snake one hand around her waist and pull her closer, and ohmyGOD i can't believe this is real.

the same hand that was on her waist moves up to her face as i cup her cheek with my hand. the slightest graze of her soft, delicate skin sends electric shocks up my spine.

and when she moves her hand on top of mine, i just about pass out on the spot.

seems like the fireworks aren't the only sparks flying tonight.


haven's pov

when the two of us finally break apart, we stare at each other admirably for a couple of seconds, breathing somewhat heavily. we're still in the same position as before, with his hand on my cheek and my hand on his, but we're not... as close. if you know what i mean.

karl randomly starts grinning madly. and i can't help but smile back at his contagious smile.

without warning, he throws his arms around my waist and we fall backwards onto the blanket. he giggles uncontrollably, like a young boy who just successfully asked his crush out to the school dance.

he keeps his grip firm but not too tight on my waist, and i allow myself to melt into his hold. and it's a little scary, allowing myself to fall into someone again. but i know i can trust karl. and that makes the reality of my promise to myself being shattered feel a lot less terrifying. in fact, it feels relieving. like a weight i've been carrying on my shoulders for so long has finally been lifted.

"i've been wanting to do that since the day i first saw you," karl says as the fireworks continue to go off, though i'm not even paying attention to them anymore. "since i saw you working in that candy store, rearranging gummy bears with that adorable apron on and your hair in a ponytail. and i remember thinking 'wow, if the back of her head is this beautiful, then her face has to be drop dead gorgeous.' and i was right. so so right."

i can feel my cheeks heat up quickly, and i'm very glad that karl is taller than me, so i'm not at his eye level.

"you're so cute..." i mutter as i bury my face into his chest. "i've been wanting to do that for a while too, you know."

"you have?!"

"jeez, my mom was right when she said boys were clueless." i laugh.

"well, pardon me, but i didn't expect the girl that showed absolutely no interest in me to want to kiss me."

"i guess you changed me. or fixed me. or whatever the saying is."

"oh blondie, you never needed fixing." he pauses, and i can feel his heartbeat pick up before he giggles. "well, maybe your kissing skills need fixing."

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