115. Hello

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I heard the door close downstairs and they drove away.

I sat on my bed and stared at the blank wall.

After an hour of just sitting and staring, I got up, washed the dishes and put away the food they were eating from.

I swept, mopped, paused to feed and play with Kiara, put her to bed after a bath, cleaned the windows, wiped down the walls, washed the entire bathroom, did the bed, cried for about an hour and a half, had a shouting match with the wall which I pretended was Ghost and Kat, had to put Kiara back to sleep as I woke her, cried some more in the shower, made dinner and then took a nap.

I woke up when I heard Kiara giggling and laughing.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I got up to investigate.

Ghost laid on the floor, playing with Kiara.

She let out a squeal and threw herself forward to grab his mask.

He chuckled and let her pull it off his head.

She examined the cloth mask and took her time flipping it around.

"Ba ba ba. BA!" She shook the mask with one hand.

"Ba ba ba ba!" Ghost repeated and she smiled.

"Ah!" She smiled and pointed at, leaning me on the doorframe.

Ghost turned to look at me and smiled.

"Good evening. Had a nice nap?"

I nodded as he picked up Kiara before walking over and kissing me on the lips.

Was he just kissing Kat with these lips?

"You taste sweet." I pulled away.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring pop wrapper.

"Want one?"

I nodded and he pulled out a blue ring pop.

I took it and popped it in my mouth.

"What happened to your cheek?"

"I cut myself on accident."


"I don't know. It just happened."

"At least it's not bleeding." He grabbed my chin and tilted my head.


I smiled at Kiara.

"What, not getting enough attention?" I asked and she smiled, holding her father's mask to her tiny chest.

"Wanna try again tonight?" Ghost asked rubbing my stomach.

I nodded and he put an arm around my shoulders, kissing my hair.

I wrapped my arms around him and Kiara asked me to take her into my arms.

I took her and made my way downstairs.

"I made dinner. Want some?" I put her in her high chair.

Ghost nodded and I grabbed the plates and was about to serve Ghost a plate when he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"I got this. You sit down and relax."

"I can-"

"I can see you cleaned the house. It's a big place, sit down and relax."

I don't wanna argue.

I sat down and Ghost served two plates and pulled out a container of baby food.

He sat down, handed me a fork and knife and started to feed Kiara.

"I can do that if you want. So you can eat."

"No, I haven't seen her all day. I got it."

I nodded and cut through the food.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now