38. Awake

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I opened my eyes to see the sun was out.

What time is it?

I slowly pushed myself off Ghost and looked up at him.

He was staring down at me and I blinked.

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"I don't know, probably not."

"Well I'm sorry if I did."

"It's fine. I'm surprised your still in bed." I yawned and sat up.

"Price told me to rest and stay in bed."

"You should be resting." I nodded in agreement.

"It's just a shoulder wound. I've gone through worse."

"Well we're gonna treat this like it's your first gun  shot wound. Okay?"

"If you say so."

I got up and crawled off the bed, dropping off the side.

"Ima take a shower and brush my teeth. Bye bye."

I jumped to my feet and left.

"I think it would be good for you."

I was drying my hair as I walked through the halls, heading back to Ghost's room.

"I don't know, Price."

"Come on, it'll be fun. I already bought the tickets."

"You should have asked before hand."

"Tickets to what?" I walked in fixing my crop top.

"Where'd you get that shirt from?" Ghost asked.

"I stole Gaz's shirt and cut it."

"Poor Gaz." Price grinned.

"But what did you buy tickets to?"

"The zoo."

"The zoo?"

"Yes. I thought you might like the zoo and thought since Ghost is always wanting to watch you, he should go too."

"I've been to a few zoos, but I've never been to a legal one. Sure, I'll go."


Ghost sighed.

"Shouldn't he be resting though? He shouldn't be getting sweaty."

"It's cold. And there's a trolley that takes you all around the zoo. So Ghost won't do much walking."

I shrugged and looked up at Ghost.

"Lazy ass. Making the train do all the work."

"I'm not going anywhere with her anymore."

"Great, can I go with Soap?"

Price chuckled.

"You two."

"What about us?" I asked as I tried to tickle Ghost but got elbowed in my bruised ribs.

"Nothing. I just know it's gonna work out between you two."

"What's gonna work out?" I punched Ghost and he pinched my stomach.

"Nothing. Here are the tickets."

Ghost took the tickets as I bit down on his good arm.

"Thank you, Price."

"Don't mention it. Especially not to-"

"ARE THOSE TICKETS TO THE ZOO!? CAN I GO!?" Soap ran in with huge eyes.

"Sorry babe, Price only got two...I think."

"Yup. Only two." Price put his fingers through the loop of his pants.

"Why!? I wanna go too!"

"You have paper work you need to fill out." Price said.

"So does Ghost!" Soap protested.

"I finished it two days ago."

"God damn it!"

"Alright you two, off you go. Soap, you go fill out that paperwork." Price ordered.

"Aye aye captain!"

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