89. Please answer

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(Updating now because I don't know if I'll have time later.)

I called Ghost after a few days.

Come on, pick up!

Your call has been forwarded to-

I hung up and it took everything in me not to throw my phone and scream.

He's avoiding me! Why is he avoiding me!?

I got a text and I read it.

Why did Ghost send me 10,000 dollars?

I called him again.

There was a click and silence.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Did you need something?"

"Ghost, what the fuck?"


"I haven't been able to get a hold of you! You're avoiding me!"

"I've been busy."

"Clearly. We need to meet up."

"I'm busy."

"Ghost, why'd you marry me if you're just gonna avoid me!?"

"I'm not avoiding you. I'm just making sure I have money in the bank."

"Well can you take a day off? I have something I wanna talk to you about."

"I'm busy."

"For fucks sake, take a day off. I'll go down there tomorrow and you better be there."

"Can't. I have a mission."



"Postpone the mission. I'm going to see you tomorrow."

"I'm already getting ready to leave. I have to go."

"Don't you dare hang up on me!"


I screamed and then took a deep breath.

"It's fine. I'm okay."

I walked out of the building I was in.

I just finished a mission I was on.

I stormed my way down the hill and was fuming.

How dare he!? How dare Ghost!?

I need to catch him and have a chat.

But he doesn't want to see me.

I felt defeated.

My own husband...


I opened my eyes slowly.

What the?

I looked around.

I was in a room...

I looked up.

I'm dangling from the ceiling by my wrists.

My feet are also tied.


I've been kidnapped.

"She's awake."

"No shit, Sherlock. What do you want?" I looked around the room in pain.

I was slapped, probably because I'm talking.

Men don't usually like that.

"Identify yourselves."

I glanced around until I was punched in the face.

"Bruh, hold on! I'm thinking!"

"You don't know your own name?"

"We'll I'm not gonna tell you my real name, gross."

I was punched again.


I forgot I was... expecting...

What do I do?

"Who are you?"

"Regina George."

They all paused and looked around.

"Did...did we get the wrong girl?"


Don't laugh.

"Like... from Mean Girls?"

Everyone turned to look at the guy in the back.

"Dude, did you watch that?"

"No! My girlfriend and kids were watching it just last night!"

"Didn't you two break up last week?"

"Um...uh...I'm stalking them?"

"Dude, don't lie. Just admit you watched it."

The guy burst into tears and ran out of the room.

"See what you did?" One guy yelled at me.

"Aww, he's sensitive..." I blinked.

I was punched multiple times.

How the fuck am I gonna get out of here?

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant