11.I Really Hate You

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(Y'all, I have no ideas on what to write for next weeks chapter. Is it to early to pause the book? 😭)


I held where the BB hit me.

"How did you see me!?"

"I could smell you."



"I just took a shower!"

"You must have used Soap's shampoo that he uses when he's not on call. I can smell it a mile away."

"You ass! Ugh! Now what!?"

"We go on a real mission."


"Go shower and get ready."

Time skip


I panted as I ran away from the gunfire.

Absolutely not.

I am not taking part in that.

I've been in shootouts, but never like this!



This isn't my job!

"Damn it all to hell!"

"Gaz, go get her!"

I ran with all my might.

My heart was pounding out of my chest, I'm terrified.

"YN, don't make this harder than it has to be! Get back here!"

"Get away from me, leave me alone!"

I screamed as I was tackled and pushed to the ground.

"I'm not going back, I'm not!"

I elbowed him in the face and scrambled away, but was dragged back by my ankle.

After a few minutes of struggling, I heard footsteps running towards us.

"God damn it Gaz, can't you get a woman under control?" Ghost shouted.

"She's strong!" He shouted back defensively.

Ghost climbed on top of me and we began to wrestle for my hands.

"Get off of me!"

"Stop fighting!"

"I'm leaving!"

"No, you're not!"

"YN, stop fighting!" Soap hissed. "You're making it worse! Just come quietly!"

"In your dreams!"

"I've had enough! I've told you to stop fighting, you won't cooperate," Ghost raised an arm and my eyes widened.

He wouldn't dare!

Oh, he dared alright. He very much dared.

His fist made contact with my face and that was enough to make everything go black.

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned.

I was back in my room.

Ghost's closet?

My cheek, shit!

He really put his hands on me huh?

I sat up and rubbed my cheek.

I'm going to kill him.

All of them.

I stood up and once I got back my balance and stop seeing double, I opened the door.

Ghost was doing sit ups on his room floor.

"We'll if it isn't lover boy himself. Quite the gentleman you are." I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorway."

"Nice escape plan. If you had ruined the mission for us, I can promise you, you wouldn't be awake right now.

"Wow, so you can at least do one thing right."

"That's more than you can."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"I really hate you."

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