67. Cold and dark

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Eventually it got cold and dark.

I hung out at one end of the cell while Ghost was on the other side.

"I thought you said they'd come back for us."

"They will."

I hugged my knees to my chest and shivered. It was freezing.

I closed my eyes and felt an arm around me.

I looked at Ghost. He had moved closer and pulled me in between his legs.


"Yes. Thank you."

"You didn't mean it, did you?"

I looked at him again, confused about what he was talking about for a moment.

"Do you want me to mean it?"

"I want you to tell me how you feel."

"I don't want to mess anything up..."

"We might be near death, so what does it matter? Let's just get it out in the open."

"I think...maybe I do. Maybe I do love you."

"I do too. Maybe."


"Maybe if you do, I do too."

"Well then I do."

"I do too then."

I kissed his chin and he moved my face to kiss him on the lips.

"Well you two seem to be happy."

"Soap!" I pushed myself off Ghost and ran over to the door, grabbing on to the bars. "Price, Gaz, Konig, you're here!"

"I told you they would come back." Ghost walked next to me.

"Come on, get us out. We're freezing!"

Soap took out a key and unlocked the door, opening it for us.

I hugged Soap who laughed and patted my back.

"Come on, Nik is waiting for us."

Nik was flying the plane overhead when I noticed my shoe was untied.

"YN, let's go." Ghost said half way up the latter.

"I'll be there in a second, you go on."

Ghost climbed up the latter and I finally finished tying my shoe. I began climbing when suddenly gunfire broke out.

I cussed as my shoulder was hit and I fell all the way to the floor.


I opened my eyes and winced, letting out a groan of pain.

"YN, MAKE A RUN FOR IT!" Soap shouted and I got up, running after the flying plane.

God damn it, they'd actually leave me!?

I ran into some buildings and climbed to the roof.


The building I was on collapsed on top of me and my heart began to pound against my chest.

It's okay, they'll come looking for me.

I'm still useful to them.


It felt like hours.

I'm not sure how much time has past.

And they didn't come looking for me.

There wasn't much room to move either.

My body was sore.

From both the fall, the bullet wound and being stuck in a small gap.

How long have I been down here?"

I tried to call for help but my earpiece is gone.

It must have fallen out when I fell down the latter.

"Ghost... GHOST! SIMON!"

I began crying, I couldn't help it. I was feeling so many emotions.

Fear, anger, pain, sadness, lost, confusion.

He finally said he loved me.

Maybe that's why this happened, huh?

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