6. Oops

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I looked at the fighting ring where Soap stood wrapping his hands in white bandages.

"Don't worry YN, I'll go east on you."

I stared at him until Gaz pushed me forward.

I sighed and stepped into the ring.

"I'd say fight me like you fight your boys."

"Ah, but see, Ima gentlemen."

"That'll get you nowhere in life." I shook my head.

"No one thinks chivalry is dead when I'm around."

"I have a hard time believing that."

"Soap, stop the chitchat and get on with it. We don't have all day." Ghost demanded.

"Geez, so bossy."

"YN, I'll let you deliver the first blow. Don't hold back, I can take it."

I sighed and shook my head.

I ran forward and punched him straight in the nose, sending Soap stumbling backward and to the floor.

A look of surprise painted his face and the room was silent.

"You...hit harder than I expected..."

"I told you to prepare yourself."

I walked over and put my hand out.

Soap took it and tried to flip me but I was quicker and sent him stumbling and landing face first onto the hard rubbery ground.

"Get fucked." I snorted.

Soap pushed himself up with his hands and tried to kick me but I caught his ankles and dragged him around.

"Quit playing around. I'll show you how it's really done." Gaz jumped into the ring and ran at me.


I dodged his punch and kick before hitting him with an undercut.

He grunted and I fought them both till I was on the floor.

"Not bad. I think you'll do alright."

"Do alright? What are you talking about?

"As an asset to 141."

(Do you guys prefer shorter chapters or longer chapters?)

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz