29. Pack your Bags Budge

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(I couldn't find a parakeet wearing a backpack. Also, I hit #1 in the tag Call of Duty and I'm so happy!)

Thankfully, I hadn't unpacked.

It's a habit I picked up from living on the run.

I wasn't called for dinner and I wasn't interested in leaving the room.

Budge sat down and pruned her feathers.

I had everything ready. I just need to wait for the perfect time.

An address played and replayed in my mind.


Is that where I have to go?

I guess so.

Let's see who it is.

After nightfall, I put Budge in my hoodie pocket and snuck down the stairs.

I unarmed the alarm system and left.

It took a while to find a bud stop that took me to the address.

Well, I still had to walk three hours.

I panted as the sun rose overhead.

I'm exhausted.

Why do I remember this address?

I knocked on the door after checking 20 times I was at the right place.

The door opens and a woman looked confused.

"Um, hi?"

"Hey...sorry, I think I have the wrong address..." I paused as I felt the cold metal against my neck.

"Nope. It's the correct address."

"Thank you, Mrs Tiffany. I'm sorry to bother you on the holidays." Price smiled at her.

Mrs Tiffany looked confused as she opened the door and walked away.

I glanced at Ghost as he held the knife to my neck.

"Get inside."

"Oh come on..."

I sighed as I walked into the house and looked around.

"So this is where you live, huh Price?"

"It is."

"I guess my snooping caught your address and I subconsciously came to it."

"I guess so."

I sat down and put my arms on the back of the couch, crossing my legs at the knee.

Ghost kept his knife pointed at me.

"Aww, are you sad that you couldn't keep me? I got away a second time."

"You were also stupid enough to get caught. Twice."

"Third times the charm."

"There's no third time."

I shrugged.

Knock knock knock!

We all turned to the door.

"Police, do you mind opening up?"

"Huh. Guess Mrs Tiffany called the po po."

"God damn it." Ghost growled and put away his weapon.

Price walked over and opened the door.

"Good morning, gentlemen. How may I help you?"

"We got a call saying two men were holding a woman a knife point. Would you happen to know anything about that?"

"Help me!" I pushed Price aside and grabbed on to the officer. "Help me! I need help! Get me away from them!"


The officers pulled me away from Ghost and frowned.

"YN, shut up and get over here!"

"It's alright, ma'am. You're safe now."

"No, there's a misunderstanding." Price put his hands up.

I tried to run away but the cop held on to me, assuring me I was okay.

"See, we're in the army. She's an asset to us. She just doesn't want to be." Price took out his badge.

"Lick the ink, it'll smear! No! Let me go! Lick the badge! It'll smear!" Ghost got a hold of me and lifted me over his head, walking back into the house.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum