78. Ah

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(I'm not dead or in a mental hospital yet so I'm updating.)

"-I suppose to know!?"

"I don't know!"

"Calm down, no one could have known."


Someone is doing CPR on me.

Suddenly, water and blood flew out of my mouth and nose, and I was turned onto my side.

I opened my eyes and coughed.

"She's not dead!"


I coughed and suddenly threw up.

The USB fell with a splat and the container opened to reveal the yellow stick.

I reached for it, but Price stepped on it.

"Give... give it...back..." I said in between coughs.

I tried lifting his boot but I was to weak.

"So you're the Lieutenant?

"Why would I be the Lieutenant?"

"Why did you tag the wall with 'Lieutenant' back in Iraq?"

I wanted to facepalm but I was to lightheaded.

"I wanted to write a message to Ghost but some guys showed up and I ran. Ugh..."

"So, your alias isn't Lieutenant?" Soap asked.

"Why would I have an alias!?"

"The people you work for. Do they know your real name?" Price asked.

"They don't know any name. I just get the text and do as I'm told."


He's interrogating me now.

"Because I need the money. Now get off the USB. I need it."

"How much are you getting for it?"


"What are you using the money for?"

"God damn it, Price." I coughed.

"Answer the question." He replied.

"Price, we need to get her to a medic!" Ghost was tying his torn shirt strips around my bleeding wounds.

"We need answers."

I grunted and tried to stand.

"YN, I don't want you to die but I need to do my job. What do you use the money for?"

"Go fuck yourselves."

"YN, just tell him!" Ghost urged. Something in his voice broke my heart.

"I need it. They need it."

"Who's they?"

"The people in the sanctuaries. I have three. One is all men... one all women... one is both mixed together. I hide them when the police fail them. When the people they're hiding from are powerful... when local sanctuaries turn them away, when they have no where to go and are in danger. I take them. They need the money."

I went into a coughing fit and Ghost picked me up bridal style.

"That's it, we're taking her to a medic."

"Do you know how expensive it is to hide so many people? To feed and provide for them? I'm all they have, Price. I need the money."

"Don't fall asleep, YN." Ghost urged as he ran up the hill and towards where I'm guessing the car is.

"I need the money, Ghost. I need it."

"Don't worry about the money, YN. That's the least of your problems."

"I don't want to go back to your base."

"If we take you to a regular hospital, they'll call the police. They're mandated reporters of a gun or bullet wound. If you didn't notice, you have both."

"Thanks to who?"

"I wasn't the only one shooting at you."

"Thanks for that. Now I'll have at least two marks to remember you by. By the way, you look good wearing your tactical gear shirtless."

"Shut it."

"Make me, big guy."

"I'm not big, I'm huge."

I laughed and coughed up blood.

"YN! Hold on, okay?"

I grabbed his biceps and he rolled his eyes.


Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now