103. And this is...?

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(I'm kinda back. I haven't really worked on the other books but I finished this book. I'm not to sure about the ending but it is what it is.)

I walked into the room where Ghost was sitting on the bed with only his boxers on.

I smiled and changed into my white crop top pj shirt and booty shorts.

"Guess what?" Ghost asked scrolling through his phone.

"What is it, love?"

"We got the house."

"Oh yay! When did you find out?"

"An hour ago."

"You should have called and told me!" I crawled in next to him.

"I wanted to tell you in person."

He kissed the top of my head.

"We should go out and celebrate." I hugged him.

"Where?" He asked.

"A bar."

"What about Kiara?" He looked at me curiously.

"Hmm... I know someone who can take care of her."

"Who? Not just anyone is gonna take care of her. I don't trust just anybody."

"Aww, look at you!! You're so cute when you're overprotective!"

He grumbled and I kissed him.

"So who do you have in mind?"

"Oh, um... well you remember how my sister died?"


"Well she's not really dead. She's alive. And her and Stacy are willing to watch her."

"You mean your crazy sister who tried to kill me on multiple occasions?"

"Yes, exactly."

He stared at me.

"Oh, and they invited themselves over for Christmas."

"Excuse me?"

"What was I supposed to say, no?"

"Yes. Exactly."

"I couldn't say no! That's my sister and her girlfriend! They want to get to know you better!"

"Me!? Why me!?"

"Cause you're their brother-in-law now!"

"Didn't you tell me they wanted to kill me?"

"Well... yes. But Stacy said she forgave you and the others."

"And Makia?"

"She is a total simp, she'll do whatever Stacy wants."

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with those two watching Kiara."

"Come on Simon! You gotta trust me!"

"I trust you, not your sister or her girlfriend."


I laughed and sipped my drink while holding on to Ghost's arm.

All of 141 came with us to celebrate the new house.

"Ghost? I knew I smelled something hunky and sexy!" 

We all turned to see a gorgeous woman walking over to us.

"Kat." Ghost nodded and I glanced around. Suddenly the vibe was awkward.

"How are you!?" She laughed, jumping up to put her arms around his neck and she kissed both of his cheeks."

What the fuck?

"I've missed you! You must have changed your phone number because I couldn't call or text you anymore!"

"Yeah. That's right." Ghost pulled her arms off him.

"Oh my god, hey girlie! I'm Kat! Ghost and I use to date. We were really serious! What's your name?"

"I'm YN. Ghost's wife"

"Oh...omg! I was so close to being in your spot!" She seemed irritated for a second before laughing.

"Oh, well, guess I'm the lucky one!" I laughed.

I didn't really like this girl.

She looked a bit older than me.

"Girlie, you look so young! How old are you?"

"I'm turning 26 soon."

"Oh, Ghost! You're taking them young now huh? I'm only two years older than our hunky man here."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن