70. Sneaky bastards

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(Uh, okay. Since you guys got me back to #1 on the Ghost tag, I'll feed you again. Plus you guys asked so nicely. Also because I have 57 chapters in draft. I'll feed you twice again when you guys get me to 300k. But don't get use to double feedings!)

I looked around.

I can't be sure I wasn't followed.

I'm 99.8% I'm good.

I climbed down the latter and made my mile long journey home.

I stepped out of my suit and tossed it in the dirty bin.

I'll take it to wash later.

I've been needing to visit the sanctuary.

I took a nice relaxing bath and thought about tonight.

Ghost got my name and Budge tattooed on his arm.

How dare he?

I should have cut that chunk of meat off his arm.

He doesn't deserve that shit.

I check my files a while back, I'm legally dead.

They didn't even bother to go back and check.

Motion detected.

I checked the cameras and saw 141 making their way down the entrance.

Hmm. So I was followed.

I stood up and rinsed off my body before getting dressed. I grabbed my emergency bag for a case like this, got my dirty suit and mask before climbing out the hidden emergency exit.

It was three miles long but I didn't mind the walk.

It was dark, cold and wet, but I hardly noticed. I dug these tunnels and built this house with my own hands. I'm pretty use to everything by now.

I'm a little sad that I can never come back here though.

That's alright.

I still have the sanctuary.

Is it safe though?

To head over there? I don't wanna lead them there.

I'd put all those kids and women in danger.

But we have the protection unit.

Would they be enough to stop them?

I don't want to test it.

I don't have anywhere else to go.

Unless I go to one of my sugar daddies or sugar mommies. 

I started running, feeling a panic in my chest.

"I hear running!" Soap's shout echoed and I ran faster.

No no no no.

I'm not getting caught.

The sound of all them running towards me got louder and I thought I was gonna throw up.

Nope nope nope.

I sped up, running faster than I think I've ever run before.

"There she is!"

I gagged and held back a scream. Ghost ran ahead of the group.

Leave me alone!

I did nothing to you!

I felt the throw up climb up my throat.

No no no no!

I threw my backpack at him and he tossed it away.


I was tackled from behind and I slammed my head on the floor.

"Ah, fuck!"

"Stay down Lieutenant!"

I was rolled over and I tried to focus on his face.

Ghost stopped.

He didn't pull me up, he didn't speak.

He just stared at me.



I managed to push him off me and I ran.

I ran and ran and ran.

That's all I could do.


"Ghost, are you alright!?"

I pushed open the door and climbed out out.

God damn it.

Then I threw up.

I threw up and threw up and threw up.

That's all I could manage to do.

Throw up.

He saw me.

He saw me and I saw him.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now