Chapter 52 - Work

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"Right then, what's new today?" Arsalan asked Julie as he put his bag down on the sofa of his office.

It had been a while, but Arsalan was finally back in his office.

He opened the curtains, dusted the chairs with his hand, and then sat down at his desk.

"You have a presentation meeting at 11 with Princess Yachts, followed by briefing the design team after lunch. Oh and, you have another meeting with a Mr. Akram at 2:30. Said he knows you?" Julie was also glad her boss was back; she was running around endlessly to try and keep up with the company's work.

"Ah yes, he's my brother-in-law. I told him he's free to visit any time." Arsalan explained, and Julie nodded.

"One more thing..." Julie said before she opened a drawer in the corner of Arsalan's office. In it was a large teddy saying 'get well soon' on it. She took it out and gave it to Arsalan. "I know I am really late with this but if you could, can you give Aaliyah this please? Say Auntie Julie loves her and is so proud of her."

Arsalan smiled and nodded. "I will make sure she gets this when I go and see her at lunch."

"Thank you boss." Julie said and walked out.

He took out files of projects he was being kept up to date on. Princess Yachts was the next pitch to work on. A yachting company who designs and builds their own yachts in the UK. According to them, one of their mega yacht clients approached Princess and asked for Ian and Arsalan to do the interiors, with furniture.

"Let's get to work on this then." He said, opening his laptop and preparing for the presentation.


"Oye husband!" Zoya called, walking into his office.

Ah yes, these two. Didn't think we'd forget about these would we?

Ahmad and Zoya's marriage got off to a good start, although they were still yet to work out each other's permanent flaws to live with completely, they were getting there. But other than that, not too much happened. They were soon to go on their honeymoon in May. And, after the honeymoon in Paris they were going to perform Umrah before coming home.

Ahmad was busy in his office when his wife walked in. He didn't hear her at first, just someone walking in.

"Whoever just walked in can you please shut the door?" He said. Zoya's smile turned into a straight face. But she shut the door behind her and put a thermobag down on the sofa.

She slowly creeped up behind her husband.

"Sooooo... I see you don't notice me walking in now, that's how busy you are?" Ahmad's head lifted up, him realising what he had just done. He slowly stood up and turned around to his wife.

"Okay, forgive me please. What you been up to?" He asked, holding his wife's hand and tucking a baby hair behind her ear.

"You are forgiven. And I've only been creating the most bestest tasting food you'll ever have here at work." She said, smile returning. She looked into her husband's eyes one moment and was hugging him tightly the next.

"Woah, miss me much mate?" Ahmad said as he was taken by surprise. She was snuggling in his chest and relaxing.

"Hm, just that you've been working so much lately. I felt like you might need it. Cos I certainly do." She explained, to which Ahmad chuckled.

She was right, he was working a lot lately. And yes, their picture on his desk made him miss her at times and just want to teleport her here to hug her.

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