Chapter 14 - Journeys

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"Allah says, 'I am just as My slave thinks I am, and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than them; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running. If he comes to me with sins that will fill the world without associating partners with Me, I will welcome him with pardoning as big as that.'" ~ Muhammad PBUH
[Bukhari, Tawhid 16, 35; Muslim, Dhikr 2, (2675), Tawba 1, (2675)]



Arsalan had decided to drive back to the workplace. He liked driving, and the urgent mechanic was fixing his car window back there so he needed something to replace it. He started talking a little more with Alex, whilst maybe catching Hiba in his mirror every so often. It was a weird feeling that he enjoyed, because the last time he had it was when he drove the late Mrs Aizah Salem Khan around.

Hiba was once again in her thoughts. But this time they weren't that negative. They were... confusing to say the least. She was questioning the awkward yet happy and relaxing mood inside the car. Then she realised the A/C was on full.

Alex was enjoying meeting up with an old friend. Of course, he knew Arsalan was the head of the design company Hiba was applying for. But she didn't know that Alex was once again trying to be like a wise uncle to her - he wanted her to prove how good she was without inside help. But somewhere inside his heart, a feeling and pull towards Islam was growing. He was agnostic, but he always wondered about God and who He is. His sister was a revert to Islam - one of the first in the British community in Herefordshire. She always taught him and, being Mashallah a good brother who loves her, he always listened. The pull got stronger day by day. Today he went with Hiba and Arsalan to the masjid. He was originally planning to stay in the car, but instead he parked up in a nearby space hidden from the worshippers there, and went in.

Multiple brothers greeted him along the way, with one going to lengths to show him washing, then get him a chair out of the store-cupboard so he could sit as he was not quite used to sitting on the floor yet. And he don't know what happened inside, but he stood up. The masjid was filled to outside, great numbers for Zuhr on a Saturday. He was inside sat at the back saf in the corner, and he stood up and prayed. He sat on the floor too afterwards, his legs slightly aching but putting his hands together like others around him and asking for guidance was making his emotions start to spill and take over. He cried, cried and cried even more, praying to be on the right path. When they were finished, he looked to his right to see what to do next, and he brushed his hands over his face. He stood up as some others did and wiped his eyes, making his way back to get the car.

These three people were on their own journeys, lives somehow linked and intertwined one way or another. May Allah help them all (amen).


Hiba loved going to the Masjid. Anyone who has been can relate. It's a feeling that's something completely different to anything anyone would feel. She could cry out whether it was in the masjid or on her mat at home or anywhere she took it. Allah is there for all of us.

She was staring outside the windows of the car, nice and cool. I guess it was helping her relaxed mood, because she started thinking to herself again.
'Oh Hiba, what a day! But don't forget the day isn't over - you have work now and you need to know who you're going to be working with. And if it's the oddly somehow mashallah handsome man sat in the driver's seat in front... wait what???' Hiba closed her eyes so she could drift into a sleep, and maybe think some more. 'No, I need to be careful. What if he ends up like... him? And even so, how will he want to marry me? He can't love me!' She was starting to shuffle around with her head resting on the side of the door, trying to get the thoughts out of her head.

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