Art 🎨

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Today, I wanted to paint a picture to raise money for a charity event.

Michael was going to pose for me so I could paint a self-portrait of him.

"Okay, Michael. You can go put on one of my favorite outfits that you wore in the past while I set up my painting stuff".

I said to him, after putting my hair up in a clip.

"And which one is that, my dear"?

Michael asked in a flirty way, then he wrapped his arms around into a hug.

"You don't know"?

I replied, looking up at him.

"Baby, I have lots of different things to wear everyday. I don't remember which one you're talking about".

He giggled, pressing his butterfly kisses to my face.

I giggled and kissed him back.

"Okay, I'll show you".

Together, we went upstairs to our bedroom.

Michael opened the door to his hallway closet and I went in there.

After rummaging through his clothes, I found the one that I was looking for.

"This one"!

I took it off the hanger and held it up over my chest.

"Okay, baby. I'll put this on while you're setting up your art stuff".

He said, and then we both shared a kiss.

"You're so cute..."

I giggled and lightly booped him on the nose, making him giggle.

Once Michael had the outfit on, he went downstairs.

By that time, I had already finished setting up my easel.

All of the different sized paint-brushes were in a neat row and the colors were in a certain order.

"Okay, so what do you want me to do first"?

He asks.

I take a good look at him while I think about it.

" about you do that pose when you're in king-of-pop-mode"?

I said, and he giggled.

"It's whatever you want, baby".

He then stood there and posed in a certain position like he always does in his photoshoot.

"Perfect! Now, try not to move please, okay"?

I grinned.

Michael slightly nodded his head to show that he heard me.

After that, I began painting.

I first started out with a solid black to paint his hair.

It was so cute and I loved it when he gets all dressed up for interviews or meetings, or rehearsals with his crew and dancers.

Michael noticed that something was flying around his head.

When he saw that it was a bee, he panicked, forgetting that he was supposed to be still.


"Michael! What in the world are you doing"?

I asked, looking over my easel.

But there was no answer.

"Applehead? Where are you"?

A few minutes later, I found him hiding underneath the blankets in our bed.

"Is it gone yet, baby"?

He asked, looking up at me with child-like innocence.

"Is what gone Michael"?

"The bee! It scared me! And then, it chased me all around the house"!

He said, causing me to start laughing a little.

After checking to make sure that the bee had flown away and was back outside, I came back to Michael.

"Well, I think it's gone now. So, can you go back to posing for my painting please"?


Once Michael was back to posing, I continued to paint.

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