Shopping 🛒

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Today, Michael and I were at the supermarket shopping for groceries.

There were people who were browsing around as if it was a normal day.

But you never know when someone might see Michael Jackson.

When that happens, we get chased around by fans, especially the ones who are screaming excitedly for the king of pop.

"The prices are so high".

I said, and then opened a refrigerator to grab two gallons of 2% of milk.

"I know".

Michael definitely agreed with me on that one.

Once we made it to the aisle where there were snacks, a woman screamed out loud:

"It's Michael Jackson"!

In an instant, the fans were chasing us all over the store.

Luckily, it was a big building, so we had plenty of places to hide.

After getting some candy and some regular glazed donuts, I pushed the cart towards the bread aisle.

Michael grabbed a loaf of white bread and put it it in the cart.


Somebody hollered.

"Quick! Before they catch up"!

In just a few minutes, the fans were closer than before.

"I love you more"!

Michael blew a kiss to the fans before taking a left turn towards the fitting rooms.

We hid behind the clothes rack to make sure that the coast was clear.

"What else do we need"?

I asked Michael, as we made our way through the store.

"We need some fruits and vegetables".

He said.

So, off to the fruit aisle we went.

I picked up a bag of apples, a watermelon, and Michael got the bananas.

Then, he made a very quick trip to the next aisle to grab a jar of peanut butter and jelly.

"Celery, cabbage, carrots...

I said out loud.

"....and a very big pumpkin".

Michael put the orange pumpkin into the cart and it almost shook everything because of how big it was in size.

Then, in the distance, we heard the fans screaming and running towards us.

"Let's go"!

Michael pushed the cart towards the check-out line and after paying for all of our things, we quickly ran out of the grocery store before the fans caught up with us.

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