Chapter 12

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Kamari P.O.V


That was all my life was. Chaos.

The shadow was in my pillar, I was getting back feelings Lorenzo and my family and team are demanding to know what's up.

Complete and utter chaos.

Lorenzo P.O.V

I wanted Kam. No I needed Kam.

But you can't always get what you want. So that's how I ended up here. Wanting but not getting so I took.

"Babe, you're ignoring me!" Bridget whined, trying to get my attention.

"I'm not ignoring, I'm just a little busy" she ignored this and climbed into my lap, where I sat in my office at my desk.

She straddled me sitting right on top of my dick, kissing down my neck trying to turn me on. Her efforts however were futile, because I didn't even get hard like usual. But this time I didn't have an excuse other than I'm gay and have no feelings for her. But I still didn't tell her that.

She grinded herself on my dick trying to get it up but I stayed soft.

"What the actual fuck babe!" She exclaimed getting off of me, looking mad.

I shrugged in response and got back to work; or at least tried. Before I could even touch my keyboard she was on me slapping my in the face.

Now if there's one thing an Alpha doesn't tolerate, it's disrespect. This disrespect is in the high degree, so you can only imagine what happened next.

I grabbed her hands with so much force she cried out. I glared at her not doing anything because my mother raised me better than to hit women.

"Don't you dare disrespect your alpha like that. Get out!!" I gritted out raising my voice as I go.

She left.

I sighed. What was I supposed to do now I need a Luna and to serve and lead my pack my beta was taking a break because his mate is pregnant and close to giving birth. Kam won't even look at me, which hurts me but it shouldn't because it all my fault.

It's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault!!

I don't deserve to cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

Even after repeating the words don't cry over and over. I could still feel the warmth as my tears made tails on my face.

It all my fault.

I shouldn't cry.

I don't deserve to cry.

Hes probably in more pain than me.

Suck it up.

You're weak.

I wiped my tears telling myself to suck it up. The only thing I'm allowed to feel is guilt. So I suck it up. Men don't cry anyway.

I went back to doing paper work  signing contract, transactions and ally requests.

By the time I was done it was 3:30 a.m and I finally got up from my chair to stretch. I heard bones cracking everywhere and felt them too, I was so gonna be sore from this.

I picked up my phone and walked through my door heading for my room but was stopped when my phone rang quietly. I had turned the volume down to not disturb me while working. It was a call from my beta Joshua.

"What is it?" I whispered into the phone tiredly.

"We found a Rouge around our borders and brought him to a cell. We wanted to tell you and ask if you would want to see him now to get some information out of him or..." he trailed off at the end. I sighed and agreed to go in.

When I got there, there was my beta and some warriors. I turned to my beta and asked him to get Kam.

Kam was supposed to be protecting us and he might want to know of this so I asked my beta to get him quickly. Since we were already outside with the door to the place closed I dismissed the warriors and waited outside for Kam.

I saw his huge sexy–I-I mean huge form approaching looking pissed he had to wake up.

"Hey–" he cut me off.

"Let's get this over and done with" he grumbled clearly irritated.

My shoulders slumped and I dismissed my beta and entered with Kam right behind me.

You know, I really think this world is out to get me. I really do. I'll tell you why I saw this.

As soon as we entered I was hit with the most beautiful smell of lavender and vanilla.




I was startled by the third voice and sped up my steps with similarly fast steps behind me. We finally got to the cell where the smell was coming from.

And soon all of our eyes met my eyes met our third mates, Kam's eyes also met our third Mate and our third Mate eyes met ours.

We have a third Mate. Another Mate other than me and Kam. Having three mates was really rare, so you can imagine all of our shock.

I immediately got out the key and opened it crashing into the cell and grabbing our Mate in my arms. Kam hesitantly came over and carefully wrapped both of us in his arms tightly, making sure not to squeeze us too tight. He put his face in our third mates hair and took a deep breath.

Our third Mate was a small little thing he was about 5'4 with light dirty blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes.

He was beautiful. The most beautiful person I've ever seen.

My mate. Our Mate.

After finally pulling apart I scooped him up in my arms much to Kam dislike and brought him all the way to my room and placed him down.

I layed next to him on his left side being the big spoon while Kam hesitated for no more than a minute before jumping into bed with us. We both kissed our little Mate forehead getting comfy.

"What's your name little Mate?" I asked curiously.

"Quinn" he whispered with the most angelic voice ever.

Quinn. My Quinn. Our Quinn.

Layed in bed with them until Quinn was asleep and started to slip out of bed.

"Wherr are you going?" Kam asked softly.

I smiled at him sloppily and went over to kiss his cheek being slow so he had the chance to pull away or push me away.

He didn't.

"I'm the Alpha, I have to do a lot of stuff and make sure that my beta knows why Quinn is no longer in his cell." He smiled and leaned up grabbing me by the neck to pull my down at the same time.

"What are yo-" I was cut off by his lips connecting with mine.

I tired pushing him away but he didn't budge, realizing I couldn't get away for the kiss— not that I wanted to— I kissed back.

The kiss was unlike anything I've ever felt. Fireworks danced across my while body making me shudder. His lips moved skillfully against mine pulling me in and capturing me in a trance like state. He gently flicked his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance that I gladly gave to him. We made out tongue dancing a happy dance together until we had to pull away.

We pulled away panting with swollen lips and both smiled.

"We have to talk about this later when you're finished with work to set this straight. I'm willing to try again if not for our little Quinn, then for our own sanity" he joked at the end  chuckling a little.

"Okay" I agreed, planting one last pick on his lips and a peck on Quinn's forehead and left feeling lighter than before, but still with half the weight of the guilt I felt everyday.

It will take time to get over all the guilt, but if Kam is willing to forgive me like he says,  all will be well.

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