Chapter 6

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Kamari P.O.V

During the 3 months I spent here, I learnt how to hunt surprisingly quick and how to survive. I encountered a lot of rouges but none of them made it out alive.

I have become dark, cold, distant and emotionless. I became mature, strong, blunt and knowledgeable. I became better and worse. I've become something that I wasn't before, though I do not know what. Which is why I set out on a mission. A mission that should give me the answers to.

Why have I changed?

What have I changed into?

What caused this change?

Will I ever be the same as before?

How do I get these answers? I have no idea, but I feel it would be wise to start from someone who knows a lot. A kind council member. She is like a grandmother to everyone and is also wise. I know where to find her or atleast where legends say she is through a poem. No one has seen her in centuries but I know she is alive. Gut feeling...

The poem says; "For advise, for wisdom, for nothing but the truth, the grandmother of all stays in the harborage of the blue. There you will find her with cookies and teaspoons." After thinking the poem over and over again I am sure I know what it speaks of.

The Mentara Expanse. The Mentara Expanse is a beautiful lagoon South of where I am, and I have a feeling she will be there.

So I set out on my journey.


I walked through mud, sand, grass, and water just to get the answers I seek, from the grandmother.

According to the legend, her name is Grandma Athena.

Finally after all that traveling I stood before the cave before the Mentara Expanse.

Finally after all that traveling I stood before the cave before the Mentara Expanse

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I prepared myself to go for a swim to get inside and dive in.

I swam into the cave a surfaced gasping for air. I had underestimated how for I had to swim and didn't take enough air into my lungs. I swam to the steps and pulled myself from the surprisingly room temperature water.

I walked around taking in the intricate design of the cave.

"Hello dear" a voice says from behind me startling me. I spun around so fast I almost got whiplash.

"Who are you?" I ask placing a hand over my racing heart trying to calm it.

"How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?" (Grandma Athena)

"Excuse me?!" (Kam)

"Oh nothing. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you young man. If you don't mind, what is your name?" She said giving me no time to process her words.

"Ok. It's okay you didn't scare me too bad. And my name is Kamari but you can call me Kam" I replied to all her questions and statements after a moment. "What is your name?" I inquired even though I knew, but I wanted to make sure.

"Oh just call me Grandma dear" she laughed.

She seems kind. I hope she has answers but I don't want to get my hopes up too much since she might have some but not all answers.

"Ask away" she says snapping me out of daze.

"What?" I voiced my thoughts.

"I know you came here for answers, so ask away"

"Oh. Ok, first I want to know, why have I changed? What have I changed into? What caused this change? Will I ever be the same as before?"

"Woah slow down, we have all the time in the world."

"Sorry" I said sheepishly.

"That quite alright dear. To answer your questions, you have changed because you, are a true omega. There are omegas and then there are true omegas. You my dear are a true omega." She answered my first question.

"What does it mean to be a true omega Grandma?"

"It means you were born special Kam. You were made to rule as a royal and you were born with powers to assist you."

"To answer your other questions" she cut me off before I could speak. "You didn't really change, but you evolved. As for what you evolved into is what I said before. What caused the change was the rejection you faced. You might have noticed you didn't feel much pain when you were rejected. That is because of you powers. You have powers of both dark and light. But only you can figure out what your Powers are. I cannot help you with that. Your last question, well you will never be the same again. You can not erase the past or the old you, so in some ways you are technically the same but not at the same time." She explained.

"Wow that was a mouthful. But I have all the answers I need now. Thank you."

She insisted I stayed for tea and we talked for a while, but before I left she called my name.

"Kam!" I turned to face her again stopping in my tracks. "If you need me just shout 'Grandma Athena, I need you'."

"Thank you, Grandma" we said out goodbyes for the 5th time and I left.


I went back to my cave and collapsed on my makeshift bed and drifted off to sleep it and been a long day.

I woke up to the sound of footsteps and the smell of rouges. I strained my ears to hear where they were and pretended to still be asleep.

Something tumbled and fell then someone whisper yelled. "Shh, be quiet you idiot!"

As soon as they got close enough a jumped up and started fighting. Kicks and punches were thrown and claws extended, but in the end I was weaker though it was and unfair fight of 5v1.

"Not so strong now huh, pup. Bring him to the base!" The man who appeared to be the leader shouted.

Then I was knocked in the head with a heavy object making the world spin and everything turn black.

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