Chapter 5

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My back hit the door knocking the air out of me.

A few moments later I come back to my senses, the feeling of the door handle digging into my back snapping me back to reality making me push Enzo away.

"W-what are y-you doing?!" I questioned him raising my voice, my voice holding my emotion and cracking.

"You better not tell our parents about that mate shit, or you'll regret it!!" he had the audacity to say.

"Go fuck yourself!!" I snapped walking away. I immediately knew I had to put my plan into action. I turn to leave and don't turn back.

We were all say in the living room silently waiting for someone to speak.

My parents had called a family meeting but they haven't said a thing just looked at us.

"We called you all here because we need to discuss some stuff." My mom started looking around the room, making eye contact with everyone in the room. "Me and your father have discussed what happened when Kam shifted. And we decided it should be kept a secret."

"Okay, cool" I said barely listening.

"Whatever, as long as it doesn't bother me" The asshole said.

"We'll have to take extra precautions and be very careful, but we can speak more about that at a later date" my dad spoke up next.

We all agreed and went to our rooms.

This is it.


It's time for my plan. What is this plan exactly? Well...

First I will right letters to my parents and my ex-mate. Second I pack as much of my stuff as I can. Third I leave and don't look back. I've thought this over again and again, but get the same result;

I can't stay here and be discarded like trash and bullied like a weak hopeless nobody. An omega.

I can't sit and get looked down upon because of my rank in this messed werewolf hierarchy. I refuse.

I sit up in bed and start the first part of my plan writing letters.

Dear Mom,

I remember the times when you would sing the song 'you are my sunshine' when I was sad or scared and needed comfort, and I'm thankful for that. You helped me understand more of this world taught me love, kindness and most importantly acceptance. I will always be thankful for that. You would spread your wings for me and showed me how to spread mine, but you were always there, but now it's time for me to fly on my own.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are Grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away.

I love you

-your little prince

My tears started falling as I finished the first letter and moved on to the next. My dad's.

Dear dad,

You are my voice of reason when it comes to situations where it is easy to lose control. You always taught me that I should be patient and attentive to the ones around me. You always taught me to be honest and to love everyone around me. You would always say to me, "Even when it seems the world is against you, you can still beat the odds, you can do this not with selfishness, dishonesty or fraud but with tune of the love song that plays on in your heart" I hope one day I will learn the true meaning but for now thank you and I love youel, even if I didn't say it out loud. I love you with all of my heart.

-your baby

Now for the most painful one. Lorenzo. The asshole. The bastard. The heartbreaker. But I won't let him break and hurt me not anymore.

Dear Mate (Lorenzo),

I hate you, and as much as I say that and repeat it to myself it still doesn't seem right. I don't hate you bit what you did. I could never hate you, even if you rejected me. I hope you live a happy life and someone you deem suitable to marry and provide a heir. I wish you the best in life. I really dont have much to say to other than, hurt when you rejected me but sucked it up. I won't allow you to ruin my life with simple words, which remind me. "I Kamari Mathias Tudor hearby reject you Lorenzo Dillon Bronson as my mate."

I hope the memory of me kills you, figuratively of course ;).

-yours truly

I finished the last letter and put them all in envelopes. Now for that second part of the plan. I already had most of my stuff packed because as I was second guessing the plan I stilled planned to leave whether or not I had a plan.

I finished putting my last stuff in my bad and double checked to make sure I had everything. While looking around I saw a book. I walked over and pick up the boon and read the cover 'How to survive in the wilderness 101' I smiled a little remembering when I got the book. It was a gift from my dad on Christmas day when I was 11. He claimed I would need to survive someday but I laughed it off. Turns out I ended up needing it I chuckled at that a little.

Step three of the plan now. Leave.

I took may bags and hobbled downstairs—with great difficulty, the bags were heavier than I thought, but my will to leave drowned out all that—being as quiet as possible.

When I got to the kitchen I stopped and place the letters on the counter, holding back tears. There's no time for crying right now. I need to go.

I finally managed to sneak outside and walked a little away from the house and when I was far enough I turned around. I looked at my house the last time for a long time and smiled. I know they'll be okay without me.

But now it was time to leave, my smile dripped, my back straightened and I grew a dark aura. And that was when I knew things would change, I would be different.


After walking for some time I got to the edge of the packs territory. I looked back once more before stepping out and into no man's land. I felt when the bond snapped, but it did not deter me, nothing could.


I walked and walked and walked until I found a place I could stay. A cave behind a waterfall. The perfect place I have shelter and water and lots of animals live around here so I have food too.

I got into a routine and before I knew it 3 months had passed.

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